Why Don't Readers Like Your Blog?


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Do you find that people don’t really read your content? Or you get little to no viewers in the first place? And that’s left you wondering what you’re doing wrong, or how you can change things to drive a bit more traffic your way. Don’t worry, all blog owners have been there! We all worry about our outreach from time to time, but there are steps you can take to improve things. 

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Which means now’s the time to figure out why readers aren’t reading. Because one day you may even turn your blogging efforts into an income stream; to manage that you’re going to need to iron out the kinks here and now! 

The Content is All Over the Place

The content you put out sounds good to you, of course. It’s something you like to write, it sounds interesting, and it has a relatable tone to it. However, when you publish it. people just don’t respond. And that’s because what you write about needs to have a wider appeal! Not only that, but your readers need to be sure it’s something they’ve specifically come to you for. 

After all, you chose a niche before you started blogging. You’ve been writing in that niche for a long time, but now you’re breaking out of it, and that’s not something your readers want from you. So take some time to rethink your content strategy - you need to refocus and redefine what you talk about, and ensure some relevant content is put up on a regular basis. 

It Takes Ages to Load

If a website takes ages to load, people just aren’t going to come back for more! They’re going to close things down and then get on with reading something elsewhere, that loads faster and is potentially more interesting than what you have to offer! And you need to cut off this kind of negative interaction at the door. 

But how can you ensure your website loads faster and is much easier to navigate? One of the best moves to make is to change your website host; visit Nestify for a good example of how to do just that. Aside from this, think about the content on your website - is it image heavy? This could be just the thing that’s ruining user experience! 

People Simply Don’t Know About Your Blog

How often do you promote on social media? Maybe once a week? Maybe a couple times a month? Maybe you tend to forget about using social platforms to bring people in? If so, it’s time to hit your Facebook and Twitter feeds and draw people in! 

And don’t just post links to your new content; that can be boring and overwhelming on someone’s timeline. Instead, draw them in with interactive posts and rhetorical questions. Post the link with relevant hashtags and you’ll find readers are more keen to get to know you! 

If readers don’t like your blog, it’s easier to find out why than you’d think! 
