Is There An Accident Waiting To Happen In Your Home?


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Accidents happen the most when we’re at home. It makes sense - we spend the most time there, after all - but it’s still a scary thought to deal with. And whether the kids have left a mess on the floor you can trip over, or there’s a plumbing disaster going on, or the backyard is a little more wilderness than it is garden, there could be an accident just waiting to happen within your home! So let’s catch it before it does; here are some things to do right now to prevent hazards from taking over your living space. 

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Put Chemicals Away Properly

If you’re someone who likes to keep the chemical cleaners under the sink, and there’s no lock on the cupboard or even a cupboard door at all, it’s time to find these bottles a new home. Kids love to mess about with funny smelling liquids and create their own little ‘potions’, and who knows when they’ll reach for some bleach to make a new imaginative concoction! 

It’s best to keep hazards like these simply out of reach, but if you’ve got nowhere else to put them, you can get a latch installed on a cupboard door that your little one simply won’t be able to bypass. 

Deal with Trip Hazards

Plenty of trip hazards can exist within the home. As we mentioned above, kids' toys littering the floor are a real danger, but if you also keep shoes on the stairs or you’ve got a weirdly shaped and/or bumpy rug in the living room, you’re probably fighting for your life trying to get around them all! 

So try to find a new home for all of these things. Make sure there’s a storage box always around to just check the toys into, iron out or get rid of the bumpy rug, and get a shoe rack for your hallway. Little changes can make your home a lot safer, otherwise one day you just might not be looking and you’re suddenly face down on the floor! 

Approach Housework in the Right Way

The housework you have to deal with can lead to an injury of various kinds! You could get cut from washing knives in the kitchen or you could slip and fall on a wet bathroom floor, and the trouble doesn’t end there either. If you’ve got a job or two to do outside, you might end up needing advice on overcoming back pain after shoveling snow from your driveway! 

So make sure you’re approaching these tasks in the right way for your body. Don’t take your eye off the job if there’s a sharp edge to it, make sure your surroundings are safe so you can’t slip and/or fall on something, and take some frequent breaks to rest those legs, back, and wrists if you’re carrying any heavy things! 

Accidents can happen at any moment. Remove the chances of them occurring within your home with simple, quick tips like those above. 
