While 40 Is Not the End of Your Life, Here Are a Few Health Issues You Will Need To Address


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There is this big misconception that as soon as you hit 40, you start to creak and groan like you are 90! But while you may not think that you've got to throw in the towel just yet, it's important to be aware that when you do hit the big 4-0, there are a few things that can signal problems later in life. 

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At the age of 40, we are young enough to maintain hectic schedules, but we can start to notice a few signs that can plague us later on. Let's show you a few things that you need to be aware of. 

Aches and Pains

You may have noticed that in your mid-30s there were a few aches and pains popping up, and while you spend a lot of your time sitting down you didn’t notice them as much, but now may not be the right time to start running a marathon unless you are able to build up gradually, but a bit of exercise can help get the body moving. One of the biggest problems many people have is as soon as they hit 40 they think they need to start exercising intensely, but for those people who start running at the age of 40, poor form is one of the things that can cause issues in the knees, especially in the medial collateral ligament (MCL), which is one of the ligaments in the knee joint. While you can temporarily help your knee using KT tape MCL issues can be a long-lasting problem that needs addressing at the root.


The density of your bones gradually decreases in your 40s. This will result in a loss of bone strength, and while this condition is common among women going through menopause, men can be at risk as well. This is predominately arising from vitamin D and calcium deficiencies. Ensuring that you have a solid vitamin D supplement is one component, but making sure that you build your bones strength by engaging in any form of strength training can make a massive difference. And of course, you need to get out into the sunshine whenever you can! 


This is when you start to notice more chronic ailments arising from your diet. When you hit the age of 45 you can be at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. While you may not want to give up sugary treats, one of the best approaches is to have a healthy diet and make sure sugar treats are approximately 10% of your overall diet. Additionally, you need to make sure that you get your blood sugar levels tested. 

Addressing Your Stress

We all feel stress and you may feel that as you get older, you are not able to keep a lid on things as easily. It's so important for your mental health to incorporate physical exercise into your life but also understand how to look after your mental well-being through simple things. For example, a good sleep-wake pattern is one of the most important components to minimize stress. 

These are a few things after 40 that you need to be aware of, but rather than thinking that 40 is the moment your health goes downhill, this is not the case. In fact, this is the best time to start keeping an eye out on those little issues that could become bigger ones in 20 or 30 years’ time.
