10 Businesses You Can Run From Home

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Being able to run a business from home has many advantages such as reducing travel costs and allowing you to spend more time with your family. For many moms, it can be ideal, as you can more easily juggle your business and childcare.

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But just what types of business can you run from home? You may be surprised by just how many different options there are. This post lists 10 different business ideas that can be run from home.

Sell crafts/creations online

If you’ve got a craft hobby, you could consider turning your crafts into products. This could include anything from making your own jewelry to baking your own cakes. These aren’t the only types of creations that you can sell online from home - you may also be able to sell e-books, digital art or even music you’ve made. This could be creations of your own design, or custom orders placed by customers. When doing this, you’ll need to invest in the right software in order to accept payments from an ecommerce website. Make sure that you also choose a courier that you can trust to deliver your product quickly and intact.

Buy and sell products online

You don’t have to sell your own creations online. Instead, you could build stock out of other people’s products. This could allow you to sell a range of products. Which products you choose is up to you - your online store could be anything from an boutique athleisure clothing store to a used gadget store. As with selling crafts, make sure to choose the right couriers and ecommerce platform.

Host lessons virtually

There’s a growing market for virtual lessons - this typically involves teaching people skills or giving out instructions via video call. You could host virtual personal training lessons, foreign language lessons or even singing lessons. It all depends on what skills you have to offer.

Start a digital marketing business

Digital marketing can be carried out with nothing but a laptop. It could include managing ad campaigns, managing social media accounts, managing email lists, copywriting, web design or graphic design such as logos and banners. If you’ve got any of these skills, consider setting up a website and start marketing.

Start a daycare business

If you’re great with kids, you could make some money childminding other people's kids. This is ideal if you have experience with childcare, although even if you don’t have this experience, you can still get involved. Promote your business by talking to local parents.

Start a dog-grooming business

Love dogs? A great home-based business idea could be to start a dog grooming business. There are dog grooming courses that you can take to teach you all the basics. Promote your business by talking to local dog owners and by advertising through platforms like social media.

Provide bookkeeping services

Many businesses don’t have time to handle all their bookkeeping. If you’re good with figures and have accounting qualifications, you could consider setting up your own accountancy service. This could be marketed to local businesses or businesses across the country.

Launch a photography business

Certain types of photography may require getting out of the house now and again. But when it comes to things like product photography and photo editing, you may be able to carry it all out in your home. This is an ideal business idea if you’ve got a passion for photography - build yourself a website and start attracting customers.

Start a profitable blog/vlog

A blog or vlog can also serve as a business. Just how do you make money blogging or vlogging? Through ad revenue and sponsored content mainly. First you’ll need to build up an audience. You can then start monetizing your blog or vlog with adverts and start accepting sponsors.

Become a social media influencer

If you’ve already got a social media presence, consider whether you may be able to start making money as an influencer. This largely involves making money through sponsorships - this could include anything from posing with products on Instagram to featuring products below your Tweets.
