What (and what not) to do when you get injured working out.


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

With the new year quickly approaching, it's likely that you've already set yourself and your family some health goals for the new year. In fact, it's estimated that over HALF of new year's resolutions are centred around exercise and getting fit. However, while developing a healthy fitness regime is important, you should also put specific plans in place to keep you safe while working out - especially as sports injuries are so common.

With that in mind, here's what (and what not) to do if you get injured when working out. 

DO: Seek medical help if necessary. 

If you are seriously injured when working out (i.e., your injury is more than a tired/pulled muscle), you must seek medical help. This is because sometimes, your body needs a little more care and support to heal - and ignoring the problem will not make it go away. Therefore, if you are injured, don't try to downplay it. Drop by your local urgent care for medical attention, advice, and guidance regarding your recovery. 

DON'T: Panic. 

Our bodies' 'fight or flight' reflexes are triggered whenever we are injured. As a result, you may find that you begin to feel overly stressed or anxious. However, panicking is never helpful. In fact, it could even make the situation worse as it can impair your judgment. Being able to keep a calm, focused mind is also a great way to prevent exercise injuries in the first place. 

DO: Take some time off.

Getting into a consistent exercise routine is difficult - and it often takes a few months for our bodies to get used to these changes. As a result, you may be keen to return to exercising as soon as possible after your injury so as to not fall off the track. However, returning too early could actually stand in the way of your long-term success. This is because it could make certain sports injuries even worse. As a result, you should consult with a healthcare or sports professional to determine how long your recovery will take (and how long after this you should return to the gym/working out). You can find a useful guide detailing standard recovery times here.

DON'T: Quit altogether.

Dealing with an injury can be incredibly demoralizing. In fact, it often convinces many adults to give up on working out altogether due to the fact that it feels too risky. However, it's essential that you don't let a minor setback stand in your way. Take some time off to recover, and then gradually reintroduce exercise into your schedule. Instead of focusing on all of the things you can't do, focus on what you can. Pay attention to each and every victory - a 5.5-mile run is better than a 5-mile run - and there will have been a time where this seemed an impossible distance. In short, don't let this injury cloud your vision. You can do this - you just need to take it easy for a little while! 
