Pregnant? How To Care For Your Body When Exercise Isn’t An Option

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According to the CDC's 2019 data, there were about 3.7 million births in the USA in 2019. Many doctors advise pregnant women to remain active during pregnancy for optimum health. However, it isn't uncommon to have complications like pregnancy-induced high blood pressure and preterm contractions that may make exercise challenging. 

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Nevertheless, there are many good ways to look after your body while pregnant to remain in shape. Consider these points below to learn more about taking care of your pregnant body without exercising.

  1. Meditate frequently 

Many experts agree that meditation is a great way to achieve mental clarity if you can't exercise during pregnancy, so keep this in mind. Meditation can help you relax and reduce anxiety, which is excellent news since sustained high stress in expectant mothers can negatively impact developing fetuses. You can try out local workshops as well as online or audio practices for effective meditation. In addition, always set a few minutes aside during the day to focus on your breath and let go of your thoughts to stay calm through the various aspects of pregnancy. Finally, think positively about your body often to put yourself in the right frame of mind for childbirth.

  1. Get a prenatal massage or chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractic care is typically a safe and effective practice during pregnancy. Routine chiropractic care can help you manage your hip, joint, and back pain while pregnant. In addition, studies show that first-time mothers who seek chiropractic care while pregnant enjoy a 25% shorter labor time. Similarly, multiparous women who sign up for chiropractic care while pregnant have 31% shorter labor times on average. Therefore, a chiropractor should undoubtedly be high up on your list of specialists to see during pregnancy. Similarly, a prenatal massage can help you relax through the uncomfortable stages of pregnancy, like your third-trimester aches and pains. As such, you can also see a massage therapist to enjoy the relaxing benefits of massages while pregnant.

  1. Maintain a balanced diet

Many pregnancy complications won't affect your ability to take in nutritious food, so you should take full advantage of this to ensure your health and wellness. Experts recommend consuming about 300 extra calories every day to maintain a healthy pregnancy, so keep this in mind. These calories can come from a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and protein. In addition, limit your fat intake during this period, and avoid all types of alcohol. Fluid intake is also critical to stay healthy during this period, so take in the recommended eight glasses of water alongside healthy soups and juices to stay hydrated.

  1. Go easy on sugar

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Too much sugar can have adverse effects on your pregnant body and even your developing baby. For instance, a new study proves that a high-sugar diet while pregnant can negatively affect your child's brain function. Also, gestational diabetes and larger babies are linked with consuming too much sugar while pregnant. Therefore, restrict your sugar intake to those special sugary treats that you occasionally consume due to pregnancy cravings.
