There Are No Secrets To A Healthy Head

When we think about the health of our head, we focus purely on the face. Why wouldn’t we, when it's our identity and it's the first thing we see in the morning when we look in the mirror? But, we don’t see our heads in such a personal way. Our hair is something that’s not really emotionally attached to us until we start to see signs of hair loss. Suddenly, we realize what the impact of not having a healthy head can do to our confidence and morale. Luckily, there are no secrets to maintain a strong healthy head, so there’s no excuse for you not trying these things at home.

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 Where you lay your head

 The most important part of achieving a healthy head is your pillow. Wherever you lay your head for 8 hours of sleep, you’re asking your hair and scalp to work harder to breathe and moisturize. The oils from your hair will be absorbed by the pillow cases and your scalp will feel hot and dry. Bacteria love to form on our pillow cases due to the build-up of oil, sweat and dirt. Changing your pillow cases often isn’t enough. Using a breathable material like linen of Egyptian cotton is the most advisable change you can affect. Change your pillow cases every fortnight and if you have long hair, using a highly moisturizing dry conditioner before bedtime is recommended to stop oils from transferring onto your pillow.


Increasing your protein

 Your hair’s building blocks are all made of protein. Not consuming enough protein in your diet will eventually lead to your hair becoming thinner and weaker. Many people suffering from hair loss, are not consuming enough wholesome clean protein in their diet. Chicken breast and lean beef are the two highest recommended natural sources. If you don’t consume meat, eat more beans and soy protein. Eggs and fish are fantastic substitutes for meat, as they provide a cheap and effective way to boost your protein levels and keep a  fresh head of hair

 Fighting an infection

 Hair provides a lot of protection for your scalp, but once an infection reaches the scalp, it can be difficult to unearth it unless you’re using specific treatments. Firstly, you must know the reasons for  scalp sores and hair loss and then look through the options you have for daily treatments such as zinc-based shampoos. The extra strength zinc complex shampoo by Zincplex is the only natural-based shampoo guaranteed to remove scalp sores. It's been tested and proven to have antibacterial purifying ingredients. To couple your shampoo with midday relief, a scalp sore lotion should be used to hydrate and soften the scalp so your hair follicles feel less under pressure.

 Take a load off

 We all understand that stress hurts our head first. Hair loss  due to stress is common, so finding ways to take a load off, relax from work, get some space from people that are annoying you, is vital for your head health. Change your pillow cases frequently to prevent bacteria from attacking your hair and scalp. Add more protein in your diet, if you feel your hair is getting thinner.
