Happy Health Hacks to Make Mom Life Easier
This is a collaborative post
You might be looking for ways to calm down your anxiety or boost your energy on a daily basis. There are so many ways that you can become healthier as a mom that won’t take up too much of your precious time. Being healthy isn’t about drinking kale smoothies 24/7; you need to find your own definition of health and make it happen for you and your family.
Reduce Your Caffeine Consumption
The first thing you want to do when you open up your eyes in the morning is reach for the coffee pot; every mom can relate to this so you’re definitely not alone! Whilst there is nothing wrong with a hot cup of Joe first thing in the morning, you don’t want to rely on this to give you energy throughout the day. If you drink coffee or tea after 2pm this can have serious hindrances to the quality of your sleep. Have a cup or two a day and steer clear of the hot stuff when the afternoon strikes. There are so many other ways to keep your energy levels stable, which will be discussed later.
Don’t Strain Your Eyes
Your eyesight isn’t something you think about on a daily basis, but you will definitely notice when it doesn’t feel quite right. If you currently wear glasses you might want to look into
replacement eyeglass lenses so that you can be sure your prescription is the right strength for you. If you find yourself straining or getting regular headaches, you should definitely head to your optician for another check up and eye test.
Get Outside More
Getting a little bit of fresh air each day can work wonders for your health and energy. Even if you feel like staying in your pajamas all day, you will not regret going outdoors and breathing in a warm or cool breeze. Take your kids for a walk, let them run around the park and switch off your phone for an hour. You will fell like a whole new woman as soon as you implement this technique regularly.
Have your hearing checked
As a Mom, hearing loss can be stressful, particularly if you are trying to communicate with your children and finding it increasingly difficult. Ensure you get an appointment with an audiologist as soon as you can so they can help you out. You might need hearing aids which will help fix the issue and ensure you can hear your family and friends much better.
Ask For a Helping Hand
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to do this all on your own. Asking for help doesn’t make you a bad mom, it makes you a smart one! Juggling everything from school drop offs to cleaning can be so exhausting and taxing on you. You will feel so relieved if you asked someone from your family, one of your friends or even external help to come and give you a hand around the house. This will be one less thing on your to do list and you will feel so much healthier as a result.
Eat a Balanced Diet
You probably know all the basics of eating a healthy diet, but you need to actually put them into practice. It’s no use reading homemade recipe books in your spare time only to order takeout every night. Your energy levels and your body will start to suffer if you don’t give yourself the right type of fuel. As a mom, your health and your kids’ health needs to be a number one priority. As soon as you start eating the right type of foods you will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Meditate Regularly
If you have had a terrible night’s sleep or you’re feeling extremely weary, ten minutes of meditation can work wonders. You don’t need to be an expert in this field; the process is super simple. If you meditate regularly you will feel energized, grateful and calm all at the same time. There are a number of different apps that can help to guide you through the process of meditation. As soon as you start getting the hang of it, it will become second nature to you.
As soon as you start implementing these changes into your daily routine, you will feel so much brighter and more energized. As a mom you need to keep going, even when you aren’t feeling your best. Practicing more self care and putting yourself first will definitely help you to achieve optimal performance every single day. Whether you’re trying to get outside more or you’re reducing your caffeine intake, there are a number of ways to improve your health right now.
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