These Tips will Help Get your Body Ready to Conceive

If you are thinking about starting a family, then it’s understandable that you’ll want to give your child the best possible start in life. This means making sure that you are as healthy as possible so that you can prepare for your pregnancy journey.

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Speak with your GP

It’s always a good idea for you to have a general health check-up before you start trying for a baby. This is especially the case if you have a long-term health issue, such as asthma, diabetes or even high blood pressure. When you visit the doctor, they will also make sure that you are up to date on your immunizations and this can really help you to put your mind at ease. If you aren’t quite sure if you have had your vaccinations or not, then a simple blood test will help you to find out everything you need to know.

Take Supplements

You should always try and eat healthily when you are trying for a baby. You should also try and take various supplements too. Folic acid should be taken as soon as you start trying for a baby, and you should take it until you are 12 weeks pregnant. A daily dose of 400mg is advised, but if you have had a child with spina bifida in the past then you may need to take more. Your GP will be able to advise you on all of this, so if you need to get some help with this then make sure that you chat with them. Folic acid is really important as it helps your child to develop a healthy brain and nervous system. If you have a lack of folic acid, then this can lead to neural tube defects. Of course, when you know you’re pregnant, it’s also important that you take a multivitamin tablet every day. You’ll need to take one that is formulated for conception or pregnancy. Normal tablets can contain too much Vitamin A which can actually cause harm to your unborn baby.

Watch your Weight

If you are very overweight or even underweight, then this can reduce your fertility. You may also find that you experience complications when you do become pregnant too. If you have a BMI of 30 or more then you should lose some weight before trying for a baby if possible. This will help to make sure that you are fit throughout the pregnancy and it will also help you with labor too. If you are concerned because you’re not quite sure if you are fertile then Advanced Fertility might be able to help.

Rest and Relax

If you have been trying for a baby for quite some time then it’s natural for you to become stressed or anxious. Sure, relaxing is easier said than done, but excessive stress has been linked to a reduced level of fertility. If you believe that stress is affecting the way that you sleep or eat, then confide in your doctor or even a friend.
