Help in Hearing Loss

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Having children is a wonderful, magical experience it also marks the start of always being slightly worried. Worried that your baby is developing properly, worried that your toddler is having tantrums, worried about your child making friends, there’s so much to worry about. Most often these fears are perfectly harmless and go away with time, but if there’s one thing we worry about most, it’s our children’s health.

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In this blog, we take a look at an aspect that can be easily overlooked, especially with children who can’t yet talk or non-verbal children who struggle to communicate easily. That aspect is hearing and we set out some symptoms to watch out for if you’re concerned your child isn’t hearing quite as well as they should.

Hearing loss in babies

Within the first few weeks of their birth, most babies will undergo a hearing test with a midwife, health visitor or doctor, learn more about hearing tests here. But if you’re still concerned about your baby’s hearing development then make an appointment right away. Your doctor will probably ask you if you’ve spotted any of the following symptoms:

Not startled by loud noises: most babies will perform a moro reflex (fling their arms out) if they’re startled. If your baby doesn’t appear worried, it may be that they haven’t heard it

Don’t notice you: does your baby not seem to notice you until you’re right in front of them

Doesn’t turn towards voices: from about four months onwards your baby should start recognizing familiar voices and turn towards them

Hear some noises but not all: perhaps only very loud noises get picked up by your baby and seem to register

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, do get in touch with your doctor for a more thorough check up.

Hearing loss in children

For some children a symptom called glue ear is very common and though it can cause some trouble hearing, they often grow out of it. Here are some other symptoms to watch out for:

Speech delay: a common sign that there is a problem with hearing, it may also mean your child doesn’t sound clear when they speak either

Not responding: you say their name but they fail to respond or perhaps respond with an answer that’s not appropriate to the question

Talking loudly: they may not be able to detect the levels of their own voice and struggle to control appropriate volume level

While in some ways it’s easier for older children to tell you if they can’t hear, it can be hard to distinguish whether the problem is hearing or behavior related. In any case, don’t take the risk but instead get your child checked out as soon as possible.

In many cases the earlier a child is treated for hearing loss the more effective the treatment can be. Don’t panic but do take action to put your mind at rest and address any issues head on. With so much to worry about, get this one ruled out as soon as possible.
