5 Ways To End Those Homework Battles

Think back to your childhood years, and how you felt when you came home with extra work to do after enduring long hours of studying at school already. Chances are, you weren't thrilled with the prospect, and you might have done all in your power to procrastinate against the inevitable, or you might have skipped out on doing your homework altogether. 

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Your children will be no different to you. After dragging themselves home from school, the thought of sitting for another hour or more engaged in another bout of studying, no matter how many attractive laptop stickers you have added to their computers to give them the incentive to work, may not appeal to their better wishes. Especially if the sun is shining, they might rather be outside on their bikes or in the garden. If there is something on the television they want to watch, they might kick and scream against doing their homework in favor of their favorite shows. And as they rebel against the prospect, you might engage in an argument with them, threatening them with all manner of punishments if they don't sit down to get work done.

Let battle commence!

Or rather not, if there is any way you can alleviate the situation. And bribery aside, there might be!

#1: Try and make the idea of homework less of a chore

A tricky one, we know, but you may be able to make the idea of homework a little less tiresome. If you can explain the benefits of doing their homework - achieving better grades, enjoying the sense of accomplishment - you might just give them the incentive to knuckle down and get on with the work they have to do. If you can improve their workstation, perhaps by adding music in the background and by giving them a few nibbles to munch on if they're feeling hungry, you might make the prospect of doing homework feel less like school. And if you can use educational games to supplement the homework they are doing; you might be able to turn their seemingly arduous tasks into something approaching a reasonably fun activity.

#2: Find an appropriate place in the house for doing homework

To avoid watching over your child to ensure they complete the homework tasks they have been given, give them a place in the house where they will be less prone to distractions. You might need to distract your child from gaming, for example, or the lure of the television. The area should be quiet so your child can concentrate on their studying, and conducive to work, with no clutter and with plenty of space for the equipment they need. This, mixed with the point we previously raised, might ensure they both a) complete their homework on time, and b) feel better about sitting down to do it.

#3: Help your child with their homework

And by the word 'help,' we mean help, and not sitting down to do their homework for them. You see, the reason why some children hate homework isn't because they have to do it, it's because they struggle to do what is expected of them. They might be faced with difficult concepts, especially where maths is concerned, or they might not know where to look online for research purposes. If you can sit down with them to help, perhaps by explaining things they find difficult, or by finding resources online that could spur their imagination, you might make life easier for your child. They will then feel a greater sense of achievement when they have done well with their homework, and they won't have to sit for long stressing over their work because they don't know what they're doing.

#4: Create a homework routine

The sooner your children get into a homework routine, the better. But where possible, create a routine that suits your child. If they are reluctant to do their homework first thing after returning home from school, then give them an hour of play. If they don't want to do their homework because they have food on the brain, arrange for study time after your evening meal. If there is something on the television they are desperate to watch, set homework time before or after the show. You shouldn't cater to all of your child's whims; they might always have an excuse as to why certain times of the evening are bad for doing homework. But if you can find ways to dim their most common excuses, and can give them some control over their routine, you might just reduce the need to argue with them about getting on with their homework.

#5: Do your homework when they do

Chances are, if you have work you need to do of an evening, you might be as unmotivated as your child is. To help you both, therefore, arrange to work at the same time they do. This way, you will both have company, and that might alleviate the boredom factor. Your child will also see that they aren't the only one who has to work at home, and going back to our first point on this list, they might also recognize the importance of study if you can role model the same. Being together will also give you time to bond with your child, which, as any parent knows, can be a rarity when you both lead such busy lives. You might then agree to do something fun together when you have both completed your tasks as a reward for persevering with the work you both had before you. You might play a board game together, for example, or sit down with a big bowl of ice cream!


Let's be honest; getting your children to do their homework is never going to be easy. However, you can make it 'easier' by following some of the suggestions in this article. Let us know what you think, and if you have any other tips to end those homework battles, please bless us with your wisdom.
