Unboxing Degusta Box: December

Guys! I almost forgot....
It's Degusta Box Time!!
Here's an unboxing of everything that came in the December shipment!

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Okay, so hear me out...
You all know it's been insanely busy around here since Thanksgiving. I've been behind on all kinds of things, I have family members with serious health issues that forced me to take some time away from the blog, and I have my own health problems going on right now as well as other personal things that, you know, sometimes need to be handled. So, please forgive me for being so late with my reveal. 

At any rate, the December box was all about winter comforts. As a Pennsylvanian, we know all about winter. Our winters are terrible and we joke that winter makes up about 3 out of 4 seasons here. However, in a shocking twist, we haven't really had a winter. It's been in the 40's and 50's and no snow at all. And listen, I'm not complaining. I hate winter, and it's honestly one of the only 2 good things I have happening for me right now, so let's not ruin this Mother Nature, okay? 

Still, that didn't stop me from enjoying these winter time goodies!

I have to laugh, but at the same time this is actually kind of sad, but I was really excited about these ginger chews. Because of the stress I've been under, I've been sick a lot. So I have been flying through ginger everything lately. These are true comfort to me. Not only do they ease my stomach, but for some reason, ginger is a comfort thing to me. Kind of like tomato soup or hot cocoa for some people. Ginger is one of my things. I've been keeping these next to the bed. They are like little tangy angels to me lately. 

Hey look! More ginger!! No seriously, it's like the folks at Degusta Box just know sometimes, you know? Despite my love of ginger, I did have to pass this on because I wasn't sure if my stomach could handle this. So this was one of my share items this month. I did keep the poultry magic seasoning though, because chicken is the one meat that I could never get sick of and I make it in various ways at least once a week. As a matter of fact, I am using this on my chicken and veggies this weekend.  

When I was about 3 years old, my mom caught me in my crib with an entire bag of the multicolored mini marshmallows. I somehow had crawled out of the crib, got them from the cabinet in the kitchen, and crawled back in. I remember them being all over the place. And man, when I saw the mini bag of them in the box this month, I almost cried. I have not had these in many years and honestly, they taste the same as I remember. Of course the original mini marshmallows are always good this time of year because how can you have Christmas Eve cocoa without marshmallows? And that's exactly what we used them for, too. 

Ah yes, tea! Unless you're totally new here, you know I'm obsessed with tea. I'm the tea, puzzle, book, and Elvis lady. It's like I'm 83 years old trapped inside a 34 year old's body. These were another share item, but only because my pantry is so full of tea boxes that they all fall out on you when you open the door. My family is starting to think I have a problem. Do they make rehab for tea addictions? Because if not, my family is going to make one just to send me to it. In all seriousness, you can't go wrong with tea. There are a ton of different kinds and they can be good for your health and help you relax or get some sleep. They will even help with headaches and tummy aches. Plus, it's delicious! So you can see why I'm the queen of teas, really. 

I thought I was the only one in my house that liked dark chocolate, but as it turns out, my son apparently does, too. Because he ate this entire bag of dark chocolate candies. Not that I blame him, they were delicious! Had he not ate them all straight from the bag, I probably would have used these in some delicious cookies with some dried cranberries. 

Speaking of dark chocolate, this was also included. And if there's one thing I love more than dark chocolate, it's mint. So knowing how my son took to the bag of dark chocolate candy pieces, I hurried up and hid this. This one was all mine and boy did I savor it. It's so smooth with a hint of mint and I loved the light crunch!

I can't do protein bars, so this was another share item this month. Although, if I'm being honest, I do love me some nuts and dates, so I'm not sure this would be all that bad. I just swore off protein bars after my first year dieting and that was almost all I ever ate. 

I actually have worked with G.H Cretors before so I know all about their delicious popcorn! This month's box featured two snack bags of their "The Mix" flavors, which is ca combo of cheddar and caramel popcorn. Okay, yes, together they sound gross. And admittedly, I have tried eating them at the same time and yes, not a great combo, but they are two of my favorite popcorn flavors, so picking them out individually, but also having them in the same bag is kind of nice. They have a larger variety of flavors including a buffalo ranch flavor that we got to try for last year's Super Bowl party. Highly recommend! 

These iced cinnamon stars were, hands down, my absolute favorite thing in the box. I think they may possibly be one of my top 5 items from the entire year. They were soooo good! I thought the cinnamon flavor was just right, not over powering, and the while icing was the perfect touch. I didn't really taste much hazelnut, but that didn't really matter because they were perfect. They were also super adorable, so there's that, too! This is the second item we have received from this brand and both were much loved by us, so I really hope they include more from this brand in the future. 

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