I've Tried Them All and These Are My Top 10 Crazy Cups Flavors

There are some days I need caffeine to survive. There are a lot of those days actually, and on occasion just plain flavored coffee just isn't going to cut it. So I mean, while I may not be obsessed with coffee (yeah, I'm more of a tea girl, fight me), I do drink quite a variety. 

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I've been a Crazy Cups Coffee Ambassador for a bit now, and I've officially earned the taste tester badge. That's a lie. There's not really a badge, but I have officially tried every single coffee flavor they offer, and I think that deserves an award....maybe. 

Of course, I didn't ever run into any flavors I didn't like because they are all super delicious (and zero calories if you drink your coffee black, but honestly who does that?!). I do have my favorites, though, and this is that list. 

This is the last one I needed to try and it makes the list. I love peppermint most of the year, but especially during the winter. The mix of peppermint and chocolate reminds me of a Peppermint Patty. Aside from peanut butter, I can't even think of a better combination than peppermint and chocolate. 

I love oatmeal cookies. I wouldn't say they are my favorite (that honor goes to peanut butter), but they are dang close! I grew up on homemade soft and chewy frosted oatmeal cookies and this flavor is pretty exact as far as I'm concerned. 

I remember when I was a kiddo, we had a bunch of blackberry and raspberry bushes in our yard along the tree line and we would be out there every day picking and eating them straight from the bush. Blackberry is one of those flavors that holds a memory for me, so of course I would love this flavored coffee. It's somehow a magical mix of sweet and tart, but it's all blissful. 

Yoooo listen, we already established the fact that I love me some chocolate and peanut butter (okay, I just really love peanut butter), but this is a smooth cup of happy. Imagine your favorite candy as a delicious morning "pick-me-up" drink. This is it. This is that beverage. 

Snickerdoodle is another one of those cookies that I could eat way too many of if I had no self control. And sometimes I don't. But this coffee flavor gets me through the holidays when I have that very tempting cookie filled table out for guests from Christmas Eve until New Years Day. This coffee has that sugar sweet goodness in flavor, but unlike the cookies, I can usually stop at one cup AND even if I couldn't, multiple cups are far less calories than multiple cookies. 

I can make a plate of homemade churros and have it completely vanish within minutes, because churros are delicious. Ask anyone who's been on a Disney vacation. Churros are one of those sweet treats that you can't resist. And I assure you, you won't be able to resist this coffee flavor either. 

If you love pumpkin, you'll love this. It's not pumpkin spice, but in my opinion, it's better because it's not as overpowering as pumpkin spice. It's sweeter. Like a sweet pumpkin pie with vanilla ice cream on top. I know, you're like "Who puts ice cream on pumpkin pie?!" This weirdo right here! But it's not fall until I've brought out my Pumpkin Vanilla Creme coffee.

So initially, this is one of those flavors where you just aren't quite sure about. Because what does Christmas taste like? I would think peppermint or gingerbread, but Crazy Cups describes this flavor as rich notes of Caramel, Macadamia Coconut, Vanilla and Bourbon. BOURBON, Y'ALL! It may not be acceptable (or responsible) to show up to work or the school drop off lane with a cup of Bourbon, but Bourbon flavoring in your coffee? Count me in! I'm not sure who thinks Christmas tastes like these flavors together, but they deserve a raise, because AMEN! 

I love French Toast. It's my favorite breakfast, followed by waffles, eggs and bacon, and I guess pancakes might be on the list somewhere. But French Toast is another one of those childhood memories. I remember eating a lot of French Toast with homemade maple syrup growing up. While I don't eat it much anymore because of the sugar and calories, I can still indulge in a little nostalgia when I brew myself a cup. 

Okay, so full disclosure: this is actually one of their hot cocoas. But hear me out! Their line of cocoas are to die for. I'm not kidding. I honestly had a hard time deciding which cocoa flavor I was going to throw on this list because the only one of those I didn't care for was the banana flavored one. 

So I'm telling you, if you really want to impress your holiday guests, get yourself a variety of Crazy Cups flavored coffee for them to choose from. There's not a single bad flavor. Or hit up the cocoas if you aren't a coffee drinker. I like to have the variety and so do my guests. 
