The Snerdy Update: October

My favorite month is sadly coming to an end, but that means it's time for another Snerdy Update! Delve into this month's post to see what I filled my days with in the month of October and what you can expect on the blog this November. 

Samples of some items featured in this post have been provided for promotional purposes. The following post contains affiliate links. See my Privacy Policy for full disclosure and more.

I have been so incredibly swamped with work lately that I have no idea how to even get caught up. I'm suffering from blogger burnout, which tends to happen when you are pulling 12 hours every single day with no days off trying to work on your blog to get everything ready for the busy season. Holiday Gift Guide season is breathing down my back and I had some (a lot) of surprise submissions this year that weren't scheduled in, they just kind of showed up. So a lot of my time has been devoted exclusively to my gift guide. This year's guide is much, much bigger than previous years. This is great for you guys, but it's a ton of work for me. Which is why I am hoping you guys really like it. 

At any rate, here's what I have been up to in between those moments that I'm not working.

I have had this book for a little while now, but just started reading it because I wanted to finish up the book I had been reading when it had arrived. This book is a middle grade book, which I thought may be perfect for my daughter, but I ended up picking it up to read before she did. She's turning 12, but she's going through this phase where she is pretty picky about what she reads. I know she's a bit old for me to read to her, but I want to start reading new books to her at night to try and get her interested in more things. At the moment, if it's not a comic, Pokemon, Baby Mouse, or My Little Pony book, she doesn't even want to try and read it. I think she's missing out on a whole wide world of adventure by limiting her library, but I'm trying to change that. 

The Turnkey of Highgate Cemetery is about a 12 year old girl ghost who keeps watch over the other ghosts of Highgate Cemetery in London. The book takes place during WW2, where even the dead aren't safe from the war. Flossie (the turnkey) spots a German soldier in the cemetery and he's carrying a mysterious object that has the power to exist in both the living world and the ghost world. She uncovers a plot to destroy not only the cemetery, but her entire country and so her and the other dead residence set out to stop the officer before it's too late. 
You can keep an eye on my Goodreads to see my full review once I've finished the book. 

Now that pumpkin spice season is over (at least for me, it is), I guess it's time to move onto my other seasonal favorite: Peppermint. Crazy Cups Peppermint Chocolate Mocha is actually on my list of favorite Crazy Cups flavors! Peppermint and chocolate go so well together. There's that slight hint of frosty peppermint in a smooth chocolate mocha coffee that keeps you warm and snug. 

#CurrentlyPlaying: Ghostbusters World

We are huge Ghostbusters fans in our house. My son even had a Ghostbusters themed birthday party. So we were excited by the release of the highly anticipated Ghostbusters World for ios and Android. It plays like Pokemon Go in that you can "bust" ghosts out in the real world using AR. Now, I'm not sure about Pokemon Go, because I haven't playing in a very long time, but Ghostbusters World has a story mode where you can still play and collect ghosts even when you aren't out walking around. This is a good addition for those players that live in an area where collectible characters are harder to find and collect. There are boss raids and you can even team up with friends. I haven't played a whole lot because it just came out last week, so I still have not done a few things with it yet, like the location based dimension doors, but we love it so far! A lot of the ghosts are recognizable to the fans from not only the movies, but the cartoons as well. There may even be ghosts from the comics, but despite owning all of the Ghostbusters comics, I have yet to have time to sit and read through them. I mean, how could we not love ghosts and Ghostbusters? Our last name means ghost in German. And yes, I hear "Is that your real name?!" quite often; even when I met a real life "Ghost Buster" - Ghost Hunter's Dave Tango. 

#CurrentlyListening: This Is Halloween on Spotify

This is Halloween is the title of my Halloween playlist on Spotify, and of course I would be listening to this playlist in October. I have a ton of different genres and songs on this playlist and it's a real eclectic mixture, which is no surprise, really, because that's my musical taste in general. I even have some Disney's Haunted Mansion sound clips and songs on it. Because, Disney and Halloween are life. 

#CurrentlyWatching: Halloween Horror Movie Marathon

Usually on Halloween I try to watch at least one horror movie per day the entire month of October. Sometimes I even get a few movies in. This year I am seriously slacking. in my defense, I've just been way too busy. I also had a few days where I had sick kiddos at home for multiple days, no school due to air quality issues, and scheduled days of no school or early dismissal in which I actually had an extra kiddo at my house. I don't watch horror movies when the kids are home, so that threw a wrench in the marathon plans. There were also days when I opted for a television show marathon instead, such as The Haunting of Hill House, which to me isn't really scary, but more creepy than anything. I will say that it's a really great story and very well produced. One entire episode was only two takes. I don't know if you know much about acting and filming, but two takes with this many characters is extremely difficult. It's a testimony to how great the actors and crew are because it's very hard to stay in character and produce the right shots for that length of time. 

We also took the kiddos trick or treating at our local mall. We were all ghosts, with the exception of my husband, who wore a shirt that said "All the ghost love me". We love that the mall puts on a trick or treating parade because it's often really cold or rainy on the day the city schedules trick or treating. So this way, the parents can take the kiddos to the mall to trick or treat indoors just in case they are unable to make it out on Halloween. In previous years the kids would get a huge bag full of candy and there really was no need to do door-to-door trick or treating. However, our mall is deader than an old cemetery now that stores are going out of business, so they only got a small handful this year. I mean, I am completely fine with this, because less candy in our house is a good thing for all involved. Next year I know they will more than make up for it, because I know trick or treating at Disney World nets you more candy than any young child can possibly dream up. 

Coming Up:

Holiday Gift Guide
More Giveaways
I also have a ton of recipes I have had in draft mode for a couple of years that I am considering releasing into the wild. 
So stay tuned! 
