The Snerdy Update: September

I'm not the type of blogger who bombards your emails with newsletters that I know aren't going to get read and just end up in your trash or spam folder. No, it's cool, I get it. Because I hate email upon email from blogs, too. I rarely open them unless I'm bored. So I am going to try something new. I present to you: The Snerdy Update. A monthly little update on all the small things that aren't big enough for their own posts, but worth mentioning; including upcoming posts.

A fellow blogger friend of mine has been doing this type of "newsletter" for a few months now. Michelle over at The Nerdy Mom Blog has her "Nerdy Newsletter" where she chats about shows, movies, recipes, and currently family events. I've wanted to do something of that nature for a few years, but wanted to feature more of my #Currently____ with you. You already get my #CurrentlySipping each month as well as a pretty updated #CurrentlyReading in my blog sidebar, but I wanted to also add shows I am currently watching, puzzles I'm currently working on, Games we are currently playing, and music I am currently listening to. 

So without further ado, The Snerdy Update!

It's officially fall, so of course it's all about the pumpkin, y'all! I can now say that I have tried every single Crazy Cups Flavor that is currently available, and maybe soon I will do an entire post on my all time favorite flavors. One thing is for sure, this flavor is definitely on that list. We share our Crazy Cups boxes with one of my husband's co workers and his wife likes to use the flavored coffee in all kinds of baked goods like brownies, cake, name it, and outside of the obvious (drinking) it's quite frankly one of the best ways to enjoy flavored coffee. It's been pretty warm here still, but as the weather gets cooler, I'll be filling my travel mug with my favorite Crazy Cups flavors as I'm heading out to the bus stop each morning to get the youngest kiddo off to school.

 I've taken a bit of a short break from Advanced Reader Copies I am sent to review to read something of my own off of my miles and miles long "To Be Read" pile. I've had this particular book on my Kindle for a really long time and decided to finally sit down with it. I enjoy shows like Dead Like Me and have also enjoyed previous books about reapers like the Charlie Davidson series by Darynda Jones. Graveyard Shift is about a reaper named Lana Harvey, who typically reaps the bare minimum souls and prefers to just hang out with her friend Gabriel, the archangel. A job falls into her lap via promotion that could completely destroy and unravel all of Eternity if she doesn't complete it. This is the first book in a series as well and I'm actually quite enjoying it so far, although I haven't had much time to get too far into it yet. It's currently FREE for Kindle users, so if it's something you are interested in, go grab it up!

Okay, so I'm not exactly sure what to call this segment. Not quite fond of #CurrentlyPuzzling, but also not set on #CurrentlyWorkingOn either because I may use that when featuring crafts, DIYs, or home improvement projects. If you have a better name and hashtag for this particular segment, by all means, let me know in the comments! 

At any rate, I'm a puzzle girl in every way. I love crosswords, logic puzzles, heck I love those books you get at news stands that are full of different variety puzzles, and of course I love jigsaw puzzles. My grandpa and I use to listen to Elvis and put puzzles together all the time. I kind of just carried on the tradition. It's great to help relax and gives your brain a bit of a workout. I happened to pick up this beautiful 4 in 1 Disney puzzle at my local Walmart recently and it features the movies Fantasia, Tangled, Lady & The Tramp, and Winnie the Pooh. I typically do 1000+ piece puzzles, but I couldn't pass this up even if it is only 500 pieces each. I have quite a few Thomas Kinkade Disney puzzles in my collection and I love them. They all have tiny "easter eggs" in them and it's fun to look extra hard for the hidden characters and try to find them all. I haven't decided which one to start first, but I'll be working on these for the next few days. 

#CurrentlyListeningTo: Mac Miller on Spotify

I've always been a huge Mac Miller fan; ever since 2010-2011 when MTV did a huge feature on him. I even had the pleasure of running into him at a convention in 2014. So I was overtaken by grief when I learned of his unfortunate passing. I understand his demons on a certain level and so that made it even more sad and devastating. Especially since he was a local talent who grew up and lived his life (up until recent years) in Pittsburgh (about 2 hours away from my hometown). So I have been listening to his music a lot more than usual lately. In doing so, I have picked up on a lot of lyrics that I didn't pay much attention to when hearing the songs prior to his death. Back then, I listened for the fun, catchy beats. Now I listen for the lyrics. It's hard to explain, but his lyrics tell a story that those who suffer from depression and addiction can certainly relate to and understand fully. 

American Horror Story: Apocalypse & Black Ink Crew: New York

At the moment these are really the only two things I am watching until the beginning of October when the new seasons of Below Deck and Teen Mom come back on. There are other shows I do want to check out, though, like New Amsterdam and Manifest, both of which have already aired their first episodes. I have an entire list of new shows I want to pick up, but I don't watch much television so it'll probably take me forever to get into any new ones. 

Since next month is October and Halloween month, I already have my list planned out including the start of my Halloween Horror Movie Marathon. I am also working on some really fun posts about my favorite movies and tv shows to watch this time of year. To round out my month of September, I am on a weekend trip with the hubby in Baltimore this weekend where I will be covering Baltimore Comic Con and visiting the Ripley's Believe it or Not Odditorium. 

More to watch for:

Hotel Transylvania 3 Fun & Goodies
Halloween Card Game Giveaway
Holiday Gift Guide

*Coffee sample provided at no cost with no monetary compensation in partnership with Crazy Cups Coffee as an ambassadorship*
