Plan Against Pain: Choices Matter in Pain Management

If you are currently pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it's important to know that there safe, non-opioid options for pain management after a C-section.

I received this educational information and assets from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

As a mother myself, I know that a lot of us don't plan for a C-section, but truth is, sometimes our plan doesn't work that way. So even if you don't think you would need to research C-section pain management, it's still a good idea to be educated on it just in case. As a matter of fact, More than 1 in 3 women had C-sections, and overall 1 in 5of those were completely unplanned. Statistics show that 36% of women don't even have a birth plan. 

38% of women are open to pain management options, but worry about them being harmful to the baby. As a former addict myself, I also know that it's really important to find a safer alternative to managing pain; something that isn't going to harm baby or momma. But what a lot of women don't know - because their doctors don't really tell them - is that you do have other options. Because of this, more than half (51%) of women end up being prescribed opioids. 

Did you know that women are prescribed nearly twice as many prescription opioids as men after surgery? Just check out this infographic with statistics on Opioids in Childbirth. 

Choices Matter is a campaign designed to educate and empower not just mothers, but caregivers and physicians to have a discussion about pain management options, including effective non-opioid options, prior to surgery. And this is good to know for any surgery - not just childbirth. 

The use of non-opioid options before, during, and after surgery can significantly decrease or eliminate the need for opioids after many common procedures, including C-sections. 

Even more surprising is that 44% of mothers who were prescribed opioids and anesthetics in the hospital, as well as at home, have reported that they were not completely satisfied with how their pain was managed during birth. 

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