Dessert Essence Products Restores Hair Health!

My hair is like a desert - dry and in desperate need of moisture. This amazing package arrived from Mom's Meet and Desert Essence (how appropriate) and my hair has been thanking me ever since.

I received this product for free from Moms Meet to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links. Please see my Privacy Policy for full disclosure and more information. 

I color treat my hair and in addition to that, I also add heat to it far more often than I should. In the autumn and winter my hair is usually a dark auburn which is generally pretty easy to to keep up with since my natural hair is a medium to dark brown. During the summer, though, I dye my hair about a dozen times to lighten it enough to put fashion colors in it. This dries it out pretty quickly. Much quicker than normal. I've also got naturally wavy hair that I'm not very fond of, so I blow dry it straight and then straighten it with a flat iron frequently through out the week. This leaves my hair looking like something out of the 1980's. 

I've been trying out both types of Desert Essence Professional products and they have helped immensely! The smoothing products have kept my hair extremely smooth and shiny. I can't help but want to run my fingers through it all the time and play with it because I don't ever remember a time when it was this smooth. As a matter of fact, I don't think it's ever happened. Maybe when I was a small child, but as an adult, I've never had such healthy hair. 

I had trimmed my hair up from halfway down my back to shoulder length recently, and typically within a week or so of me getting a trim, I see breakage and split ends again. My hair was trimmed a few months ago and I have yet to see any breakage or split ends, so I think it's safe to say that these products are really helping my desperate hair. 

These products are fortified with biotin, keratin, as well as B5 which prevents breakage up to 61%. That's boasting insane results, but It actually does what it says it does. My hair is a great example of that. It also gives my hair a natural shine to it, so no more dull hair for me! 

Where to purchase 
Desert Essence Anti-Breakage Shampoo and Conditioner is available to purchase at Natural Grocers, Luckys Market, MOM’s Organic Market, and many other local natural food stores. To find Desert Essence Anti-Breakage Shampoo and Conditioner in your area, visit: You can find these products in the hair and body care aisle.

Get 20% off Anti-Breakage and Smoothing Hair Care Products on with the promo code DELovesMomsMeet
