IQ Jumps Logic Puzzle Board Game

Did I ever tell you about our board game collection? No?! Well, I will have to definitely add that to the list of future blog posts. At any rate, we have a sizable collection because we just love playing games. We are also pretty fond of anything that makes us think. For example, I'm one of those people who love those variety puzzle books and buy them all the time. 

We recently got IQ Jumps to try out, and here's what we thought. 

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IQ Jumps is a logic puzzle board game that is pretty great for any age past 6 years, and you can play by yourself or with another person. Of course, there are levels of difficulty, but there are many different puzzles to complete. 

The game comes with two boards, translucent cubes, and cards of varying difficulty both in single player and two player. 

For single player, you start off by choosing a card. Blue cards are the easy ones, but there are also green and pink cards which get increasingly difficult. 

You place your cubes on the board as indicated on the card in the start example and the object of the game is to move the cubes into the end design as indicated on the card. In order to do this, you can only move by jumping one or more cubes, horizontally, diagonally, or vertically. You cannot jump over an empty space. 

For two players, you use the yellow cards. 
Players will start with the design indicated on the cards. In this example above, player one would design their card like the first grid, and player two would design their card like the second grid. In the two player game, Player A is going to try and end with Player B's design and vice versa. If the instructions sound complicated, don't be put off, because they really aren't. However, the game does take some logic skills to get to the end result. I am pretty good with logic puzzles so the game is great fun for me. My kids actually enjoy the game as well, including my 5 year old. He sticks to the super easy blue cards, but my daughter and I love playing the more difficult ones. 

It's actually a pretty fun game. The only complaint I had with it overall, is that the boards are pretty difficult to get out of the box. The boards are just a smidge too big, or maybe the box is a smidge too small. Either way, they are really jammed in there. I usually try to keep original boxes with the games, but in this case, I may have to move the pieces into a storage container or zip top bag since the kids have difficulty getting the boards out. 

Sample was received for promotional purpose. All opinions are that of Simply Nerdy Mom
