The Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award is a blogger nominated Q&A, which gives the blogger a chance to open up a bit and give their readers a fun little way to get to know the people behind their favorite blogs. 

I have not done one of these fun little Q&As in quite a long time. Come to think of it, I don't think I've done many posts recently that were more on a personal level. I really enjoy giving my readers a look into my life every now and then, and I like to connect with my readers on a more personal level. So when I was nominated by Emily at BeautynBrushes, I was excited to get right back into the Behind the Blogger type posts. Emily gave each of her nominated bloggers 11 questions to answer, and at the end of my post, I will then choose 11 questions and nominate more bloggers. 

Who are your inspirations? dead or alive.

I have different inspirations for different things in my life. For instance, my cousin Claira is a huge inspiration when it comes to creativity. My grandmother and mom are both inspirations when I look for strong women. 

If you could turn back time, what would you have done differently?

I'm one of those people who truly wouldn't chance changing anything about my past. The past shaped me and made me who I am. It taught me so many lessons, even in those times when I was at my lowest or wasn't the best person I could be. If I had not had those moments in my past, who knows where my life may be right now, or if I would even still be here. So, I wouldn't change a single thing. 

Why did you choose to begin blogging?

I am incredibly opinionated; sometimes to a fault. I am always recommending and talking about books and products I use, so I figured a blog would be a great way to not only talk about books I've read and products I've used, but to also just get things off my chest. I started 7 years ago with the blog name Love, Life, and Beautiful Things, which was more of a book and tea review blog and it just morphed into what it is now at Simply Nerdy Mom. I still use the name Love, Life, and Beautiful Things on Tumblr, but this blog has changed quite a bit through the years. 

What are the flaws of blogging for you?

I'm not really sure as I've never thought about it. I think it's going to be different for everyone. Flaws of blogging as a whole, which a lot of people don't consider, is how often you get stiffed by companies for sponsored posts. There are a lot that want a lot of work from you for basically pennies and some that flat out don't pay at all even after you've made the agreement and done the work. There are all the people who think it's easy work or that it isn't even work at all, but in fact, it's a lot of work; a lot of hard work. You have bloggers who do the bare minimum and get a ton of work, and bloggers who do a ton of work and get the bare minimum from brands. You have bloggers who plagiarize everything, which is never fun to stumble upon, and you also have bloggers who spend hours drafting and publishing well thought out content. I guess I have thought about this. 😂 I'll just stop there before I go on forever. 

What are the benefits of blogging for you?

My personal benefits are probably going to be a little surprising. For most bloggers the benefits are usually that they get great products to test, get paid to do something they love, or have incredible opportunities, and I'll admit, those are all on my positives list. However, my biggest benefit of blogging is the connections I've made. I'm one thousand percent serious. I started off in blogger groups where I would frequent follow for follow threads to increase my numbers and grow my blog. I mean, we've all done that, but it went from just a way to increase my readers and followers to increasing my life long friendships. I have made so many life long friends with other bloggers. Some of those bloggers you may see quite frequently tagged or linked on my social and blog posts. We don't just interact with each other to help one another out, we interact with each other because we are like minded individuals and have grown from fellow bloggers to friends. Some of the bloggers I became friends with 7 years ago when I started aren't even blogging anymore, but guess what? We are still friends and interact with each other every single day. 

Chocolate or sweets? – and why?

This will also be surprising, but I don't really eat sweets all that often, if at all. During Christmas, I will have a few cookies, or sometimes a random candy bar, but I generally don't eat much sweets anymore. I cut a lot of that out of my diet a few years ago and it's been a great move health wise. I still treat myself sometimes, like on date night - gotta have that cheesecake for dessert! My husband and children on the other hand always have sweets. Just because I don't eat them, doesn't mean they can't have them. And I love to bake, so I'm always making homemade cookies, cakes, and sweets for them. 

What is your favourite type of makeup look – and why?

I am super boring when it comes to makeup unless I'm getting dolled up for a photoshoot or a particular cosplay. I don't even go all out for holidays much anymore. About two years ago, I stopped wearing makeup every day to clear up my skin for our 10 year anniversary vow renewal, and I just stuck with the no makeup routine. So on weekends, which is the only time I do my makeup now, I go for a more natural look, or something very toned down. If it's something special, I'll do a Smokey eye or pack on the glitter shadows. I almost always wear a nude or light pink lippie, and of course, contour and highlight. 

What is your goal for your future?

I'm "old", so at this point in my life, my future goals aren't as spectacular as others. 😂
However, my husband and I have a 5 year plan that includes our home being paid off and completely remodeled, and of course road trips and vacations thrown in all over the place. I've been able to cross a ton of things off my bucket list thanks in part to my blog and blog connections, but I live a simple life - on purpose, because that's how I like it. 

Favourite magazine brand?

This is such an old lady response, but Taste of Home magazine is literally the only magazine that I make time to read. As I write this, my desk is stacked with unopened parenting, entertainment, and home decor magazines dating clear back to September of 2017 because I just don't have time to read them anymore. There are even some magazines that I get in my name that I can't figure out how I've got them because I don't even have interest in the subject. Like Sports Illustrated and some Men's Fitness magazine, although, I guess that one is still fun to look at. 😂

What makes you smile?

My family is a major one. Or well, some of my family, but that's another story. Seeing the kindness in others also makes me smile. As well as seeing the joy on the faces of others when someone has done something nice for them. Also, baby animals, babies in general, Red Hot Chili Pepper songs, and meeting and/or seeing my favorite people. 

Dream vacation? – and why

Of course I would say Disney World for this, but to be honest, I think a trip to Italy with my husband would top that.  

The rules for the bloggers I nominate are:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you by linking their blog in your post.
2. Answer the questions at the bottom of this post in your own blog post.
3. Nominate eleven blogs with eleven questions. 
4. List the rules, as well as the Sunshine Award Logo, on your post.

  1. What book or books have stuck with you since reading it? Why?
  2. What made you decide to start a blog?
  3. What does your ideal Sunday look like?
  4. What are you looking forward to in the coming months?
  5. If you are on Youtube, what are you usually watching?
  6. Favorite childhood memory?
  7. Is there one dream you've had that you can vividly remember?
  8. What is your idea of the perfect date night?
  9. What do you do to relax after a stressful day?
  10. Take me through your morning or nightly routine.
  11. Tell me about your creativity. Where do you find inspiration? What areas do you tend to find yourself more creative (fashion, painting, music, writing, decorating...)?
I nominate: Michelle, PaulNikiMidianClairaVanessaGabby
(I'm only nominating 7 since so many have already done their Q&As.)


  1. Yaay! This is such an amazing post, and you answered the questions in such a honest and creative way. Thankyou for posting Darling!! xoxo


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