Degusta Box: December 2017 Unboxing!

Yes, yes, yes! It's Degusta time again! It's December, and Christmas is upon us, but with Degusta Box I feel like every single month is Christmas. Let's unbox the latest one! 

I know I've mentioned it before, but I love when they put items in the box that you can use together or do a mini theme with the products. Obviously I'm a sucker for Italian foods, so this month's box had me squealing with delight. Sometimes there are a few items I am iffy on trying, but this month I was excited to try everything. This is my favorite box to date. 

Degusta has sent a lot of Barilla items in the boxes, and I love it! The Baiocchi cookies are awesome! My son called them Nutella cookies, which is essentially what they are; hazelnut and cocoa creme sandwich cookies. The Sfilati green and black olives baked breadsticks are excellent as well. I paired them with a few other items that came this month, but they are also pretty stellar by themselves. 

I made these two Barilla items together, obviously. I really underestimated the amount of pasta that comes in these Barilla Ready Pasta packets. there's a lot in there, and they are so simply to make. You literally just pull open the packet to vent, place in microwave standing up, and microwave for a minute or so and it's done! I added the sun dried pesto with a little shredded mozzarella and it was excellent. Both are really great products to have on hand for a quick lunch or dinner. 

I've got to try quite a few of the Briannas dressings, and so far there has only been one that I liked, until now. I LOVE this New American Creamy Balsamic dressing! Holy smokies, was it good! I had it on garden salad, but I did test it out by dipping one of my olive bread sticks in it and the two paired really well. 

The Suckerpunch Gourmet Pickles were so good! I love pickles and I love spicy food, and these spicy garlic pickles are great. It isn't too spicy, but they do have a little kick to them. I had thought they would be crisp pickles, but they really aren't. They are much softer than I expected. This month's box came with a recipe to make a spicy garlic pickle dip that I am looking forward to making for our New Years gathering this year. 

I've also got to try a few flavors of the Good Thins. This month I get to try the Beet Balsamic Vinegar and Sea Salt flavor. I don't normally like beets, but I do love balsamic vinegar and my normal go-to chip flavor is salt and vinegar, so I think I may like these. I have yet to try them, but I'm excited to!

This was a new item to me. I've been looking forward to trying cauliflower rice and cauliflower "potatoes" for quite some time as it's a lot healthier for you. I received these two packets in this month's Degusta Box and I'm stoked! The Spicy Chicken sounds like it would be delicious by itself, but I may actually add chunks of grilled chicken to it as well. I haven't decided how I'm going to use the original. I may just mix in some butter or maybe some garlic and parm cheese? Who knows, but for under 100 calories, I'm all for it! 

There was also a coupon for one free package of a breakfast rounds product. They are basically like round flavored breads. Any ways, I'm still looking for them in my area, and hopefully if I can't find them where I live, I can find some on our next road trip into Pittsburgh, because they look really good and I'm excited to try them! 

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*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
