Scratch & Create Takes Coloring to a New Level

Do you remember doing scratch art when you were a kid? I know I do, and I remember it being so much fun. We would paint rainbow color onto a paper, then use a black crayon over the rainbow colors to make the scratch template. Then we would use toothpicks to scratch the black crayon off and reveal rainbow colors underneath in fun designs. So naturally, I was pretty excited about finding out there are scratch art books!

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The I Love Hand Lettering book not only has scratch art pages with sayings and designs for you to scratch and "color", but there are also blank pages and stencils so you can create your own sayings and designs. 

Around the edges of the I Love Hand Lettering, you can see the pattern under the scratch coating. These are essentially like scratching off a lottery ticket. It works exactly the same way. You can rip them out of the book and frame them, which is what I plan to do with the sheets that have the sayings already on them. I want to frame them and hang them around my work desk. If you choose to leave them in the book, there is a blank piece of white paper in the book between each scratch art sheet. This keeps the other sheets clean as this does tend to get a little messy.

The other book, Enchanted Forrest, is filled with scratch art postcards in beautiful designs. My daughter really loves this one. She likes filling out the postcard to her friends and they get to scratch the picture. So these are a big hit with the kiddos as well as adults. 

Both books come with a double sided scratch pen. Each has a fine point side as well as a chiseled edge for bigger areas. To be honest, I don't care for the chiseled edge. It seems you have to hold it at a particular angle and scratch pretty hard to get even a small section to scratch off. I'd rather use the fine point end, or even a coin if I need a larger area scratched off. As a matter of fact, my kids opt to use pennies when they do the scratch art instead of using the pen it comes with.  

These are really fun to do and can actually be rather soothing so they are great to sit down and relax with after a long day.  

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 


  1. Thanks for your review on these books Amanda! I'm the Artist behind the "I Love Hand Lettering" book. :)


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