#CurrentlySipping: Butterscotch Coffee from Crazy Cups

Smooth, creamy butterscotch pudding was always a staple in our house growing up. It's the only pudding flavor my father would eat, so that's what my mom bought for his lunches. I tend to think that for most kids, butterscotch is an acquired taste. Like the rolls of butterscotch lifesavers, or homemade butterscotch fudge. 

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As an adult, I don't eat butterscotch much anymore. This is probably because of how often we had butterscotch flavored things growing up instead of chocolate, vanilla, or any other flavor. When I opened the new month of Crazy Cups Coffee and saw it was butterscotch, I knew I was going to be on a trip back to my childhood with this flavor. 

My husband, like my father, also loves butterscotch. I let him try it out first and it got his seal of approval immediately. As a matter of fact, I was told I was not allowed to share this box with others like I usually do. So, sorry to those in our circle that usually get flavor samples. The hubs is refusing to give up a single kcup of his butterscotch Crazy Cups. 

I had finally run out of my favorite flavor, and had myself a cup of the butterscotch before my workout a few mornings ago. I have to say, the smell of it brewing made my home smell sweet like brown sugar and vanilla. I found myself savoring every sip. Really taking in the flavors. It was that creamy smooth butterscotch flavor I remember growing up. With every flavor of Crazy Cups Coffee, I compare how well it goes with french vanilla creamer because I cannot drink coffee without my creamer. Almost all of the flavors mix well with the french vanilla, and the butterscotch is probably one of the best ones to pair with french vanilla creamer. 

Despite it getting colder out, and my want for more hot beverages, I've discovered that it's also to die for as a cold beverage as well! 

See more Crazy Cups Coffee flavors!

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
