September BookCase.Club YA Box

This is the time of year where I get an overwhelming amount of work because I'm preparing for the Holiday Gift guide on here, as well as just preparing for the holidays in my personal life as well. So my reading starts to dwindle a little bit. However, I always make time for my books. Especially all the great ones I get in my BookCase.Club boxes. Here's what arrived in the Young Adult box for September. 

Harrison Squared by Daryl Gregory, is a Lovecraftian type novel. The main character's father dissappears at sea, and he has a fear of the water ever since. Then his mother and he moves to a new town where things are a little weird, and she, too, eventually disappears at sea. There are fish people and weird stuff, and it just seems like a fantastic book of fantasy and science fiction with twists and turns all over the place. I'm really excited about reading this one. 

The Walled City by Ryan Graudin is based on a city in Hong Kong, that according to my research was apparently a real place called Kowloon, where criminals, prostitutes, gangsters, and homeless children use to reside. The story essentially follows 3 characters as they try to escape this terrible living environment where they are forced to live in brothels, hide from street gangs, and escape drug trafficking. It's interesting knowing that this story was based on a real location, which also makes it all the more terrifying and thrilling. 

Both of these books aren't the type I would purchase myself in the bookstore, but it's fun getting these boxes because I have someone else choosing for me. It's like a blind recommendation, and usually, more often than not, I end up actually loving the books even if the usually wouldn't be my cup of tea. 

And yes, I know I'm a 33 year old reading Young Adult books, but to be frank, I don't care. I will read any genre as long as the story is good. That's what a real book lover does, and I'm proud to be a real book lover. 

I've loved every BookCase.Club box I've received and I find the boxes to not only be affordable, but give enough variety that a subscription is more than worth it. They Also have other genres such as paranormal romance, thriller, cookbooks, military, and even kids books! 

Young Adult books not your cup of tea? Check out BookCase.Club's impressive selection of genre boxes. They even have a BookCase box for kids! 

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*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
