Hairdo Gives Your Hair A Quick Color Pop

Have you ever wanted a pop of color, but couldn't commit to it for professional or personal reasons? Then you should try Hairdo's line of fun fashion color clip-ins and wrap extensions. 

I'm known for being pretty bold with my hair style and colors. Since I'm self employed, I am lucky enough to have the ability to do whatever I want with my hair. However, previous jobs were pretty strict on my hair colors and styles. I color my hair not just because I like it, but I'm also a cosplayer and model so I often change my hair color for shoots and costumes. Before I became so bold with my hair, I always relied on wigs to change my hair color quickly without commitment, but now there's a line of clip-ins and hair wraps so you can have the little pop of color in your hair for your fun weekend, and have your hair back to normal by the time you're back in the office on Monday morning. 

See this beautiful mermaid green? It's my favorite color that I've ever dyed my hair. Unfortunately, it's a little more permanent than most people prefer.  

I was sent a few Hairdo products to test out. Of course, with my hair being green already, I had to set out to find friends and family that had normal color hair to test them out. 

My sister-in-law just recently cut her hair pretty short and wanted to have a bit longer hair, so we tried them on her first. The full colored clip in didn't work on her hair. It didn't blend very good, and one piece wouldn't have covered it. We tried the full colored clip-in on my 11 year old daughter, and same thing. It blended into her butt length hair a little better, but even on her small head, it would look much better with two or three of these clip-ins. I will say that the color of this one was very nice, and looks great as an accent to any natural hair color, from light to dark. They held really well, so that's a plus. These aren't going to fall out while you are dancing. That's for sure. 

Next, we tried the pony tail extensions. 

These were really nice extensions. You make a pony with your regular hair and then push the comb piece into the top part of your pony, then wrap around your regular pony with a piece of the extension hair and use the provided bobby pins to keep it in place. These not only add a pop of color, but will also add body to your hair making your ponytail look fuller. They claim that these will blend with with a wide variety of hair colors, but the blonde in particular didn't blend so well with my daughter's hair (or mine since I recently dyed it back to ash blonde). It's a light blonde color with a darker yellow blonde in it as highlights. I'm not sure how to describe it, but you could tell they were extensions. If your hair is darker, you may have an easier time getting these to blend better when you purchase the darker colors. Blonde just happens to be one of those colors that is hard to blend when matching extensions. There's really no two ways around it. 

This ended up being the same case with the "messy bun" wrap. All you have to do with this one is make a bun with your regular hair and slide this over it. It gives it a messy bun look with a little bit of added color to it. This one sort of blended better into my daughter's hair, but not by much. Once again, blonde seems to be harder to blend color wise. 

There are also single strand clip-ins with bold colors as well, that work really well in any color hair. These ones you don't have to worry about blending and it's a little hint of color that's great for any age. Tweens and teens seem to really love these particular ones since they are smaller and easier to put in and take out. They can also match them to outfits. 

All of these extensions are heat resistant synthetic and can withstand temps of up to 125 (suggested in my experience). So you can curl or straighten any of these to work better with your hair type or style. It's best to keep them stored in the box with the net on them to keep them from getting tangled, and I would invest in a good wig comb as well. This will keep them looking nice and make them last much longer. 

You can find Hairdo extensions at Ulta. 

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
