Dream Delivered Makes Learning Fun

Whew! It's been a busy couple of weeks! As most of you know, we had been on vacation for 10 days and came back to a foyer full of packages. All work I was behind on while we were away. The packages continued to come in the days after we got home, but I had been busy getting ready for my son's birthday party that coming Saturday. I'll be doing a party theme reveal here soon, but if you are good at solving puzzles, there's a hint in the photo above.

 I finally had a chance to sit down with my kiddos and dig into our packages. Two of which they were totally ecstatic about, and that's these Dream Delivered boxes. 

My daughter goes to public school, and my son just missed the cut off for Kindergarten by a few weeks, but he'll be going to public school next year. That doesn't stop me from supplementing their education with some homeschooling through the summer and weekends. I believe that parents are a key in a child's love of learning and in their education in general. I have never believed that education is strictly a school teacher's job and that parents are at least partly responsible for their child's learning. This is one reason why both of my children could read at the age of 2. I still get comments when we are out and others witness my son, who just turned 5, read a menu without pictures, or a book without any assistance. We take our children on educational trips and do worksheets at home. My kiddos still get to play and have fun like other children, but we always try to slip in some form of learning into play time as well. Because of this, our children have a great love of learning because we make it fun for them. 

Dream Delivered sent us two boxes to try out with the kids when we came home from our vacation, and they were two of our favorite things: Art & Space. 

These boxes are filled with all kinds of things that will have your children busy and learning for hours. What I like to do with these kinds of boxes that have multiple projects in them is spread them out over a few days so they don't get bored quickly. This is perfect if you home school as you can have an entire week's worth of lesson plan projects in one box. For instance, our first week we spread the space box out over a few days and learned something new about space each day. I added in some of my own things like cartoons and stories in addition to the projects that came in the box. 

You get pretty much everything you need in each box. You may have to add one or two things of your own, but for the most part, they supply you with everything. The kids loved the safety glasses, and I loved them, too! We will definitely be using them often. In addition to the supplies, they provide you with a book about that particular theme that is full of facts and educational material that your children will actually love reading about. There are also double sided instruction cards with full illustrations on how to do a bunch of different projects. In both of the boxes we received, you use the box it comes in at least once. This is great! It also teaches your children how to reuse and repurpose things into fun projects! In the space box, there were instructions on making and tracking constellations and so much more. 

Our first day we tried the "astronaut food", which was freeze dried ice cream. the card provided some questions to ask your child as they taste the ice cream, so we did that. I asked them if it tasted like real ice cream (it did), how the texture was different (crunchy instead of creamy), and reminded them to use their senses when trying: Taste, feel, scent, sight, smell. My daughter loved it, my son, not so much. He wasn't keen on the texture of it. We then built a paper rocket with the materials supplied and shot off the paper rocket outside using water and the provided antacid tablets. We had a ton of fun doing that and even the neighbors were out watching us. 

Since we've been so busy, we haven't dived into the art box yet, but we will probably get to that next week. Just like the first box, there were many different projects as well as a book of fun trivia and educational articles on different types of art and more. I did find that we were missing one or two supplies in this box according to the instruction sheets. For instance, in this kit, you make your own paint. We were missing the corn syrup. There's another project where you paint on canvas and display it on an easel. Our box was missing both of those things. Luckily, me being an artsy momma, I have all of those items (minus the easel, but that's honestly not necessary). I think they may want to be a little careful about the droppers they have the dye in for the homemade paint. They do have them in a bag so they don't leak all over everything, but there has to be another way to send the dye. You can see where a lot of ours leaked out into the bag, and you run the risk of there not being any dye left. However like I said, being an artsy momma, we have plenty of different dyes, even neon ones. So for us personally, this wasn't a problem. 

I'm obsessed with these boxes and love the possibilities this has, especially for home schoolers. There are 4-6 projects in each box with themes that will give your children a hands on look at different careers, as well as feed their mind and thirst for knowledge. For each box you buy, a box is donated, helping children around the world discover their dream job. 

Find out more and order your own boxes at www.dreamdelivered.org

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*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
