Bookcase.Club August YA Unboxing

How can you not love book subscription boxes? I guess you probably don't love them if you don't read, but then my question would be, why on Earth don't you read?! Reading is life in my house. y entire family are book worms and are always reading something. Our library is impressive. Okay, truth be told, the library is over flowing into all other rooms of the house at this point. Literally every single room, bathroom included. But there's just something about going out to get my mail and seeing that blue box out there with my new mystery books safely nestled inside.

I've had a rather rough couple of weeks. This past week was especially bad. I'm sure when the time is right and I'm legally able, I'll elaborate on it all. Aside from exercise, one thing I know can calm me, is my books. You'll find me just sitting in my library regularly doing nothing but taking it all in and calming myself. It's my meditation. This month, I recently added these two new ones to the collection from the Bookcase.Club Young Adult box. I'll be honest, I've been interested in every book they have sent me, but these ones in particular just didn't catch my interest this month. That's an impressive record, though considering how long I've been getting these boxes. Over a year of books and I just now received ones that I probably won't read. The covers are beautiful, and I'll admit, I'm a cover snob, so I'm that weird person who would keep these books just for the covers alone. Summer on East End: Triple Moon by Melissa De La Cruz is the series that spawned the Witches of East End tv series that I just couldn't get into. That's probably a good reason I wasn't excited for that one. Rites of Passage by Joy N. Hensley is about a girl (the only one) in a boot camp type setting where the boys are actively trying to get her to fail, except for one, who she starts to care a little bit about. It actually does sound interesting, but for some reason, I, once again, couldn't get into it. Books have to hold my attention to the point where I don't want to put it down. If I put a book down and I'm not worrying about when I'll be able to pick it back up again, chances are I won't finish it. These two were that way for me, which honestly doesn't happen that often. Both books have interesting stories and developed characters with good writing, I just found it hard to get through them. I'm going to blame it on my mind being elsewhere right now and pray that next month will be clearer skies for me, so to speak.

I've loved every BookCase.Club box I've received and I find the boxes to not only be affordable, but give enough variety that a subscription is more than worth it. They Also have other genres such as paranormal romance, thriller, cookbooks, military, and even kids books! 

Young Adult books not your cup of tea? Check out BookCase.Club's impressive selection of genre boxes. They even have a BookCase box for kids! 

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*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
