August Degustabox Unboxing

Two weeks ago, I left my house keys with my cousin while my husband, children, and I went on our family vacation. I ended up coming home to a foyer full of packages, and proceeded to keep receiving them in mass quantities in the week after we arrived back home. For some reason it seems I get the most work when I'm not able to hammer it out as quickly as I normally do. Or maybe it just seems that way. At any rate, one of those packages was this month's Degustabox. Naturally, it was the first thing I opened. 

I mean, let's face it, I probably get a little more than excited when I see this box on my doorstep each month. As a matter of fact, I ended up having two this month! I had won a giveaway on the Degustabox Facebook page for another box, plus a Karma Wellness Water package. Both of which arrived in the week that we arrived home from our vacation. The Karma water is my favorite item from last month's box, and is my favorite water, period, so I was very excited about that. They ended up sending a few different flavors and my husband and I love them all. The extra Degustabox that I won, I donated, because not only do I enjoy the boxes, I also enjoy sharing and making others happy.

This month was full of items that I was really stoked about. The first item, however, just wasn't my cup of tea. It was the Sharwood's Korma Indian Cooking Sauce. I have never been much of a lover of Indian foods, myself, so I donated this item. We have received other flavors of Indian cooking sauces in previous boxes that I also donated, but I honestly think this one may have been the most appealing if I actually ate Indian foods. It's a creamy coconut sauce and I generally love coconut, but alas, it's not for me. That's okay, though, because everything else in this month's box was a hit! 

I love fruit. My kids love it, too, especially my 5 year old son. I have always loved Dole products to begin with and when I'm not buying fresh fruit, Dole cups are usually my go-to. This is the first time I've tried the fruit in gel cups and they are really good! The gel is a thinner consistency than Jello brand, but it's not sickeningly sweet. It has more of a natural sweetness to it. The combination of peaches and strawberry flavors was really good. Needless to say, my kiddos had these gone within one day. 

Another new item is the Welch's Fruit Rolls. Welch's will pretty much always be known for juice, however they have branched off into fruit snacks and now have this line of fruit rolls, similar to Fruit Roll Ups brand. These are made with real fruit and came in berry flavor. They were really good, however my only real complaint is that the fruit strip is thin. So thin, in fact, that it was hard to peel off the paper, especially if it had been sitting some place warm and started to melt to the paper a bit. Because of this, I would suggest maybe keeping them in the fridge during the warmer months. I'm not kidding. That seemed to help a little. While they may not hold up in your purse or a lunch box in warm weather, they are a great snack that the kids really enjoy. It's only 70 calories a roll, and because it's Welch's, you know it's a brand you can trust giving to your children.

I'm going to admit, before I started receiving these boxes, I thought Goya just made beans. I must have never paid attention in the stores, or we just don't carry much variety here in my small town. Either way, Degustabox has proven that a lot of brands I seem to be familiar with actually have far more products than I thought. Goya for example, is a brand that we frequently get in these boxes and not once have we got beans. Hahaha! At any rate, these intrigued  me. They look like banana slices on the bag, but they aren't bananas. They are a crisp, salty chip. I had to look up what a tostone is, because I had no idea these existed until now. Apparently a tostone is a twice-fried plantain slice, and they are surprisingly good! Add these to the list of new things I've tried since I started receiving these boxes! 

Also, Goya makes cookies, too! Delicious ones at that! Think butter cookie with Nutella in the middle. Oh man were these delicious! They could have used a little bit more chocolate filling, in my opinion, but it wasn't hard to eat an entire package of these in one sitting. 

Sun Drops look like Reece's Pieces, but taste like M&M's. How's that for messing with your mind and taste buds? They really are a dupe for M&M candies, though. My kids love them. 

I'm a sucker for herb flavored crisps. These Pasta Chips came in Rosemary flavor and are now on my favorite snacks list. One serving is about 7 chips which ends up being 120 calories. The Rosemary flavor is great, but they also have a ton of other flavors that I'm excited to try. Since we have been comparing brands in this post, I will say that these have the consistency and crispness of a Ritz Chip. They are baked to perfect crispness and they are great by themselves, but are even better with a dip!

Want to know what my most favorite thing in this month's box was? These Pasta Bow Tie puffed snacks. They came in Meatball Parm flavor and taste exactly like pizza to me. My favorite! The puffy bowtie shape is fun to eat and remind me of the now discontinued Doritos 3D snacks. I Amazon'd these and a case of 12 is $34. That's a bit expensive. Luckily, we actually found these locally at our Save-a-Lot store! This is the first time I've found one of my favorite items locally, and I'm sorry to the rest of my town, but I'm going to be the one who buys every bag. These are THAT good. I had to show some serious restraint to not eat the entire bag. 

Let's compare some more brands, since that's unintentionally been the theme for this month's post.
We got a little pack of NuttZo 2go, which is a chocolate nut butter similar to Nutella. The difference is that it's perfectly packaged for lunch boxes, and not only has hazelnuts, but flax seed, sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds, Brazil nuts and peanuts with the chocolate. You get 7 different nut and seeds in this brand and it's all organic and packed with protein. We also got blueberry fig bars. Now, I was probably one of the few children on the planet who actually use to love Fig Newtons growing up. I haven't had them in a while, but I can tell you that Nature's Bakery fig bars completely surpass Fig Newtons. The blueberry bars are so delicious, it's a shame that you only get two in a package. Or maybe it's actually better that way so you don't binge eat these delicious little chewy bars. 

Hummus! Am I the only person who doesn't really love hummus?  I've tried. Really I have, but I think it's the consistency of it. I thought this was really awesome though. It's everything you need to make hummus in one rather sizable container. All you have to do is open and stir ingredients together, enjoy with your favorite dipper, and refrigerate the leftovers (if you have any, that is). This happened to be the Mediterranean Style which had a hint of citrus flavor in it. 

Get 20% off Hummustir on Amazon with code FRESH020

I think this is my first time trying Perky Jerky. I could be wrong, I've tried a lot of brands of jerky. However, this was pretty tasty to say the least. It's gluten free (HOORAY!), and each piece is perfectly tender with a mouth watering teriyaki flavor. I'm ore of a peppered jerky person, but the teriyaki was quite delicious. It's hard to gauge calorie per serving here since the pieces are all different sizes, some pretty tiny while others a decent size, but the package claims that one piece is about 70 calories. Not too shabby. 

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*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 


  1. This looks like a great box! and it has made me hungry lol



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