My First Reading Club - May Unboxing

I have been so busy lately that I missed showcasing last month's book subscription boxes. This momma is really ready for a vacation. Despite being pretty swamped with work and events, everyone in my family is about the same in that we all like to relax with a good book when we have a chance. 

My son was pretty excited for this month's My First Reading Club box. It was like a special treat for him since our days are filled with trips, chores, and errands lately. It was nice that he was able to sit down and have a little time to read with some new books. It's kind of like a reward for putting up with our hectic life. 

I always love how they include a little coloring page in each box in addition to the books. They also include a small gift for mom's in the boxes, too. Last month it was a beeswax balm with is great on hands, and this month it's this incredible lotion. All mom gifts are by small businesses, too, so that's always a plus in my book. It's great that you get to try something new, plus give exposure to other businesses. 

Here's a size comparison of the lotion bottle. It's the perfect size to throw in my purse and take with me. 

My son was super stoked about the Disney infinity sticker book. We have the Disney Infinity games and almost all the characters and disks. This sticker book has some hints and maps in it that you can use in the game, but it's also just a fun little sticker book as well. 

This was my favorite book in the box. I mean, I love them all, always, but this one was my favorite. The illustrations are gorgeous.

I love the story in these two books. Dee Dee and Me is about two kiddos that just don't seem to ever get along when they play, but eventually they work things out and are able to play together nicely. Bridget Fidget and the Most Perfect Pet is about a little girl who receives a package and is convinced it's more magical than it really is. 

As always, the box is very helpful in nurturing your child's creativity and love of reading. 

There are five age appropriate boxes to choose from:
Just starting out - which is mostly for newborn to toddler.
Pre-Readers age 2-3
Readers age 4-5
Readers age 6-8
Pre Teen age 9-12

The boxes cost as low as $9.99 and if you ask me, the $95 for the 12 month subscription is the best. Based on the popularity and quality of the books as well as quantity of the items in the box, this subscription is well worth it. Plus, you'll get to build your child's library and enhance their learning and skills. You can also give a subscription as a gift!

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
