Coconut Bunny Crazy Cups Coffee

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Lately, it's been way too hot where I live to justify hot coffee. I know, I know! Most coffee lovers can drink it warm all year long, but I just can't drink hot beverages when it's hot outside. We are talking in the 80's and 90's. So when I saw that this month's featured Crazy Cups flavor was Coconut Bunny, I thought it would be a great flavor to drink cold. Typically I don't like cold coffee, but I have to be honest, I need a way to get my caffeine in the morning and since I drink less hot beverages as summer comes along, I figured I had to give it a try. How else would I get my Crazy Cups fix?!

I brewed my coffee and then poured over ice in my Might Mug tumbler, which is a lifesaver, because it's close to impossible to spill it thanks to the innovative suction bottom, and trust me, I'm a klutz! It's saved my laptop more times than I can tell you. At any rate, when summer and warm weather rolls near, I can't think of a better flavor than coconut. This time of year I'm usually burning my coconut wax melts in every burner in the house, and using coconut body spray, and shampoo & conditioner. I love coconut, what can I say? 

Coconut bunny is the perfect medium roast coffee for those tropical flavor lovers like myself. Not only is it delicious hot, but it's pretty dang good as a cold coffee as well. I added a bit of whipped cream to mine to fancy it up a bit, but it made me also consider making a coconut coffee smoothie as well! The best thing about Crazy Cups Coffee (aside from their incredible array of flavors), is that their kcups are recyclable. As a matter of fact, I had been saving my kcup containers all winter and when spring came, I used them to plant my starters for my garden. They are perfect for that because we have so many of them, and they already have a tiny hole in the bottom after use for drainage. Of course, they can't be planted directly into the ground, but you can save them for the following year. 

Considering trying your Crazy Cups Coffee brewed over ice? See my guide to iced coffee
Purchase Coconut Bunny in 22ct and 4 cup sampler.

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*I am a Crazy Cups Ambassador. As Ambassador, I am dedicated to bringing you news on new flavors, great recipes, and awesome discounts on Crazy Cups Brand Coffee. 

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising.
