Watches That Fit Your Attitude {GIVEAWAY}

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As I get older, I often see a lot of things from the past come back into style. Sometimes it's a fun surprise and other times I wonder why things were not just left in the past (No one needs Acid Wash jeans). Among the recent past trends that have come back are slap bracelets. I had quite a few of these as a kid and distinctly remember teachers banning them from school because the became a distraction. Then there came the claim that children were cutting themselves on them due to their jagged edges. Back then, they were made of metal, and yeah, that was a bad idea. 

In the past few years, someone, somewhere decided to bring these things back, but now they are made of soft silicone, making them much safer. 

Watchitude has made the slap bracelet trend even cooler by turning them into fun watches! 

They have a huge (I'm not even kidding) variety of prints to choose from on their site making it not only hard to choose, but you are absolutely sure to find one that fits your personality and likes. If in the rare chance that you can't find one that speaks to you, you can submit your own design. If they print it, they will send one to you, free of charge! While you are on the site, you can also vote for other submissions as well.

 The face of the watch actually comes off, so I guess, you could mix and match faces and bands if you really wanted to. Out of the three that I received, one of them (the Flip Flop one), is completely submergeable. Now, I didn't try it out, because that's the one I'm giving to one of you lucky readers, but that's a pretty cool idea because you don't have to worry when you take it to the beach or the pool this summer! 

The website doesn't actually tell you which watches are waterproof, however, there are places you can purchase these all over the United States (and internationally), and they will tell you on the packaging. I found quite a few stores in the Pittsburgh area that sold them and I am anxious to check out the selection next time I venture into the city. 

I really love these watches because they are comfortable and a whole lot of fun, not just to look at, but they are fun putting them on! To put them on, all you do is "slap" it on. That's how simple it is. It forms to your wrist so they are perfect for any age, from child to adult. 

With Easter coming up, I added these to my kiddos Easter baskets and I know they are going to love them. My son and daughter already have slap bracelets, and now they can have a fashionable piece, plus I can use it to help teach them how to tell time! 

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