DegustaBox: March 2017

Yessss! Degustbox time! By now you should know that this is my favorite foodie subscription box, and for good reason! Where else can you try new products and brands for a fraction of the cost of buying them in the store? I have to say that thanks to Degustabox, I have discovered a few brands that are now on my shopping list regularly. As a matter of fact, even the ones that I don't frequently buy, I notice on the shelf at the store a lot more than I did prior to discovering them through this subscription box. So not only do I get to try new products that I fall in love with, but it's made me more aware of the brands and I am also now more aware when they release new products. This is actually incredibly useful to the companies, but it's also just as useful to consumers. I typically am the type of person who goes into a store with a list, goes directly to that aisle in the store, grabs what I need, and proceeds to move onto the next item and checkout without really checking out anything else. Since getting Degustabox, now I go on a mission to find these brands and products to see what other flavors or new products they have released for me to try. 

This month's box had two repeat items, but in different flavors than I've tried before, so that was nice. There was also a repeat brand, but the item was completely different than what I've tried in other boxes so I liked that as well. My son helped me open this box and he's my little foodie mini me, so he was just as excited as I was. He even helped me try out some of the items. You know an item is good when they get a picky pre-schoolers seal of approval! 

Since I'm one of those people who could (and totally WOULD) eat pizza every single day of my life, I was probably a little more excited about this Boboli pizza crust than any normal person. I don't recal ever using Boboli premade crusts before, as I typically, and painstakingly, make my own crust, but I'm already planning to use this to make my favorite pizza. Margherita, of course! The convenience of it makes it a perfect late night snack option. Yes, I eat pizza late at night as a snack, and I have no shame. It's pizza and I'm Italian. Enough said.

As I am into eating healthier and trying new foods, my family, however, is not. So they kind of turned up their nose at these two items. I think, though, that had I just made them without them seeing the boxes and knowing that they are actually healthy for them, they would eat them without complaints. The quinoa blend rice with black beans, bell peppers, and spices would make an amazing jambalya, honestly. But if you don't eat meat, it would be delicious all on it's own. This also goes for the green lentil & beet pasta. Having trouble getting your kiddos to eat their veggies? The Tolerant veggie blend pastas are a smart option! They will be eating veggies without even realizing it. 

Now, my family turned up their nose at the quinoa rice, however, my husband snagged this entire box of Quinoa nuts, seeds, and honey bars. I, myself, tried these and the taste is delicious. I just couldn't get past the texture, though. It looked a little like birdseed, but they have a delicious blend of ingredients and flavors that actually go quite well together! My husband loved them and took the entire box to work for his daily snack. Sometimes I'm confused by my family and their tastes, but it's pretty expected now. Haha! 

Degustabox has sent quite a few Loacker brand products in many boxes. Prior to receiving Degustabox, I had never heard of this brand. Now we look forward to receiving them! The chocolate is always so delectable and their flavors are indulgent. This month they sent a box of Tortina Original, which is chocolate covered wafers with a hazelnut cream. My only complaint was that there weren't more in a box! These are always so good with my morning coffee or a cup of hot chocolate. 

Since getting these boxes I've grown to like crispy cookies. I've always been a soft cookie lover, but crisp cookies give me that crunch I often crave alone with the sweetness. Chocolate Chip is also a popular flavor in my house. Needless to say, this bag of cookies didn't last the night. Mrs. Thinsters Cookie Thins are amazing. Plus, there are no artificial ingredients are allergen free, and contain no corn syrup. Because of this, I didn't have to hide them from my kids like I do other cookies my husband usually comes home with. Hey, I realize kids need a sweet treat every now and then, but I'm also trying to make sure they aren't over doing the nasty ingredients that are bad for them as well. I just want to point out that they have pumpkin spice flavored cookies. Pumpkin Spice! They also sell these at Walmart for less than $3. You know what that means? I'm about to wipe out my local Walmart of the entire stock. Seriously, though, these were my second favorite thing in this month's box. 

I'm not new to the Good Thins brand. I actually really enjoy their crackers. This is the first time I've tried the sweet potato flavor though, and it was pretty good. The crackers are airy and thin, but have a nice crispness to them. They actually had a more salty flavor to them than sweet (which is what I was expecting), but they are still quite good. 

I really like getting beverages in these boxes. I mean, come on. What goes better with snacks, than a good beverage, right? This particular one was a lemon and coconut flavored juice. I loved the taste, and my son really enjoyed it as well. The lemon and coconut flavors went together better than I expected. It was like adding a slice of lemon to some coconut water. It was nice and refreshing. 

So my favorite thing in the box this month was the peanut butter & jelly soft croissant. I actually expected this to taste a little stale or be hard, but it was flakey and smooth and somehow, tasted freshly baked, even though I know it wasn't. There was ample enough peanut butter and jelly in the center, which were very good as well. I think after trying this, I've decided that peanut butter and jelly no longer belong on bread. Croissant is the way to go! 

The Energems Chocolate Energy "candies" are a repeat item, but I'm an exhausted mom, so I always welcome anything that can help me out with a little bit of energy. I enjoyed the other bottle I received and they sent me mint dark chocolate this time. Mint dark chocolate is my favorite. These r4eally taste like dark chocolate M&M's to me, and they actually do help with energy, so double bonus!

Like what you see and want to give Degustabox a try? Get $10 off your first box (making it $9.99) When you sign up today!

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising
