Think "Outside The Basket" This Easter

Easter is coming and I happen to be one of those parents that like to keep the sweets to a minimum. My children get candy from everyone else in the family, so I try to fill the Easter baskets with healthier options, you know, to counterbalance the surplus of sugar this time of year. Every year I have to think "outside the basket" and buy things like crackers and organic, sugar free fruit snacks. Until now, I never considered much more than that. Then I found out about Aqua Ball

Aqua Ball is bottled water for your kiddos that feature Disney and Marvel characters that they know and love, and are naturally flavored with ZERO sugar, which is something that mom's and dad's will love! 

Aqua Ball is full of zeros, but in a GOOD way! 
*ZERO Sugar
*ZERO Artificial Flavoring
*ZERO Calories
*ZERO Preservatives

Aqua Ball is also enhanced with Vitamin B3, B5, B6, and C. Those are all qualities that parents will love in their children's beverages. The kids will be too busy enjoying the fun characters and tasty flavors to know that it's actually good for them. 

My children will refuse to drink plain water, and I can sometimes agree that plain water can be boring. I drink water every single day and even I get bored with it. You have to expect that kiddos are going to want a little flavor in their life sometimes, too. Flavor packets and liquids are often full of all kinds of artificial colors, preservatives, and hidden sugars. All things that are not so healthy, especially if you are using them often. Aqua Ball is something you can be confident giving your children and know that they are not only healthy, but your children will love them!

Aqua Ball is the perfect addition to my kiddo's Easter Baskets. We do Easter egg hunts every year and they can take these with us to drink at the hunt or while they are outside playing before we leave to visit family. They also fit perfectly in cup holders, so guess what? They are also perfect for road trips, school lunches, and a quick drink to have on handy for your kid's home and school parties as well. 

Aqua Ball comes in Berry Frost (Frozen), Fruit Punch (Classic Characters), Grape (Marvel), and Strawberry Lemonade (Disney Princesses).

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
