American Flatbread: Wood-Fired Premium Pizzas

We are pizza obsessed in this house. We typically have pizza at least once a week. I personally love thinner crust because not only is it healthier, but I just really love the taste and crispness of it. 

We got the opportunity to try out a few flavors of American Flatbread pizzas. Finding them in my small town was a little more difficult than I thought.

Initially, the only place that sold them is our local Martin's Grocery Store. The site didn't even show Walmart as a store that sold them and that was surprising. When we went to the store to pick up a few flavors to try, all our store had were the sliced tomato and 5 cheese and tomato sauce and cheese flavors. I'm not a huge meat eater when it comes to my pizza. I prefer plain cheese or veggies and my favorite is Margeherita pizza, so these two were right up my alley. My kids on the other hand, love pepperoni or ham and American Flatbread does have a pretty nice variety of pizzas with meat such as their newest flavors: pulled pork as well as Uncured pepperoni and bacon.

I opened the tomato sauce and cheese pizzas and noticed that one had hardly any seasoning on it, while the other one looked like someone dumped an entire container of seasoning on it, especially in one spot. I really think they need better quality control when it comes to this, because I've read reviews where many have gotten pizzas in the same manner. You either get a ton of toppings or hardly any at all. My daughter in particular hates lots of seasoning on anything. So I was worried my kids wouldn't eat any of these. 

They smelled absolutely delicious while baking, and to be honest, they bake quickly because they are flatbread so the thinner the crust, the quicker they bake. With flatbread crust, you have to watch so you don't over bake it, because it will make the crust really dry. If you don't bake it long enough, you won't get that crispness. These baked up nicely and made my mouth water. 

The tomato and 5 cheese flavor also had a little bit of a seasoning "problem", but there was a nice amount of tomato on it, so that was impressive. 

Despite my concerns, my kids absolutely loved these pizzas. As a matter of fact, they ate both of the tomato sauce and cheese. I wasn't thrilled about the tomato and 5 cheese myself. There was nothing wrong with it, it just wasn't my cup of tea taste wise. However, like my children, I was obsessed with the tomato sauce and cheese pizza. I have to say that, hands down, this is the best frozen pizza I have ever had. 

American Flatbread pizzas are wood-fired and made with all natural ingredients. They are also surprisingly low in calories! At 300 calories for half of the pizza, you don't have to feel guilty eating it. 

They have a real impressive list of flavors, and I am very interested in trying them all, so I will be requesting their availability at more stores in my town. They are a little on the pricey side at just over $8 a piece. Most people would say that price isn't worth it when you consider how small the pizzas are and the possibility that you will get one that has hardly any toppings, however, I can tell you that the taste is more than worth it. These are premium frozen pizzas with vegan and gluten free options that you and your family will really love. 

They do have the option on their site to shop online if you can't find any stores close to you that carry them, but all the ones they offer online are currently out of stock. After trying them myself, I see why. Remember though, that you can always request them at your local store. 

These are the closest to homemade as you can get from your freezer section.

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
