Movies That Are Sure to Make You Cry, Every Time

Sometimes you really need a good cry, and sometimes the way to do that is watching a movie that will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride. I'm going to admit that I am more of a comedy or horror gal, myself. I tend to stay away from movies that I know are going to make me cry, because I cry hard. That being said, there are just some movies that give you that good soul cry that you need and these are a few of my favorites.

The Choice

Nicholas Sparks seems to be the master of the "Soul Cry" stories, as you will see in this list. If it's not enough to read his books and cry, you can then watch the movies based on the books and cry some more. The Choice does a pretty good job of making you grab that box of Kleenex. It's the story of Gabbi and Travis: neighbors who are annoyed with each other from the moment they meet. Both are in relationships with other people, but you can tell that they are hiding feeling for one another. Soon they start spending more time together and eventually end up together, getting married and raising a family. They both make many hard choices through out their relationship, but the hardest comes at the end when Travis is faced with the possibility of losing Gabby forever. 

If I Stay

This movie didn't just make me cry, it made me completely bawl my eyes out. To make matters worse, I didn't just watch the movie. I read the book and then the exact same night I finished it, I watched the movie. So basically, I spent an entire 24 hours crying over this one. If I Stay doesn't just having you crying at the end, it has you crying through the entire thing. 

Mia Hall's life changes in an instant when her family is in a horrible car accident. Right from the start, this story pulls at your heartstrings, but you see (or read, if you chose the book), the terrible struggle Mia goes through as she's faced with deciding between fighting for her life, and giving up is one that will really have you putting yourself in her position. I think that's what completely did it for me, personally. Forget one box of tissues, you better grab yourself two if you are going to see this movie. Fair warning: There is a second book/movie to this and the first one does end rather abruptly, which can be irritating, but it's more than worth it because the story is a good one. 

The Notebook

What's a "movies that make you cry" list without this one?! Another Nicholas Sparks book-turned-movie that gets the tears flowing. The Notebook is a story within a story. It's a story of how love can be passionate, but also stubborn. It's also a story with not only the sweetest, "Relationship goals" ending, but one that will have you sobbing. Most readers have already read this book or watched this movie and if you have not, add it to your weekend watch list because it's a must see! 

Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

This one is a documentary, but it's one of the best, while also being one of the worst documentaries I have ever watched. I watched it on Netflix and I'm not sure it's still on there, but if it is, I encourage you to check it out, but be warned, it's a TRUE story and it's absolutely heartbreaking to the 10th degree!

What starts off as a documentary from a film maker for his murdered friend's son soon turned to a different kind of documentary with a twist that no one could have saw coming. It's the story of Andrew Bagby who was murdered by the mother of his child, who then fled to Canada. During the documentary, the film maker visits with and films friends and family members recounting memories of Andrew as a tribute that can later be given to Andrews infant son, Zachary. It also shows the struggles Andrew's parents went through trying to gain custody of Zachary. It's a captivating story clear up to the end where your soul is crushed and not only are you crying, but you are angry. 

The Fault in Our Stars

It took me a lot longer than most to watch this movie because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. Late one night while insomnia struck, I turned it on and cried myself to sleep. I don't typically do this, but I watched the movie before I read the book. This one is actually loosely based on a real life couple, so I already (sort of) knew the story. Augustus and Hazel Grace meet in a group for people with life threatening illnesses and soon become one of the most romantic on screen couples I've seen in a long time. The heartbreaking twist at the end had me blubbering like a baby. And then months after I finally watched the movie, the news reports blew up with stories of the real life couple passing within a month or so of each other and I started crying all over again. 

What Dreams May Come

If the story itself doesn't make you cry, the remembrance of our beloved Robin Williams in this eerie story of suicide definitely will. This movie was a tear jerker long before Williams death, but it's even more so now that he's gone. What Dreams May Come is the story of a man who has been through a ton of suffering, starting with the death of his children in a car accident and then the possibility of a divorce from the woman he loves. On the anniversary of their decision not to divorce, he is also killed in a car accident. While he's in heaven, his wife is unable to cope with the loss of her family so tragically, that she decides to commit suicide. It's a visually stunning movie with beautiful scenery and wil speak to some on a spiritual level. It's a beautiful movie that never fails to make me ugly cry.

My Girl

My Girl was a staple "childhood" movie. One that I've probably watched many times growing up. However, each and every time I watch this movie, I bawled. The adorable Thomas J and Vada are best friends and a lot of 90's kids could totally relate to their friendship. But then the unthinkable happens. A swarm of bees attacks Thomas J, who happens to be allergic, and from there, my young world crumbled to the ground. If you didn't cry during that moment when Vada was screaming about Thomas J's glasses, you probably didn't have a heart. 

Where the Red Fern Grows

Oh sweet mother, I did a lot of crying over movies growing up. This one rides on the tails of Old Yeller, where if you are an animal lover, it can be devastating. I remember watching this movie with my Papa Ernie long before I read the book as a school assignment and when it was time for us to read the book in school, I dreaded it. It got even worse when we had to watch the movie again, this time IN CLASS! Who wants to blubber like a baby in class?! Luckily, I wasn't the only one who cried. The entire class did, even my teacher. I don't care who you are, a dog's death is hard, but watching two dogs die is even worse. Then to make matters worse, they remade the movie and I had to see the remake as well. You would think I would learn my lesson, but no, I cry every single time. 

Of Mice and Men

This is one of those rare times when the book didn't make me cry, but the movie sure did! Poor Lenny is so misunderstood and George tries his hardest to protect him, but when he realizes that he's more of a danger to himself than he thought, he chooses to "take Lenny out to pasture". This was another movie we watched in school and I also think it may have been the only one where I had to leave the room because I was crying THAT hard. It's still one of my favorite novels and movies, but it never fails to deliver that punch to the gut even though I know it's coming. 

What movie(s) always makes you cry? Share your favorites in the comment section!


  1. Love this list, most I've seen but I really want to check out that documentary. I loved the movie If I Stay!


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