December Degusta Box

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Degusta Box time! Yay!

I probably say this every month, but this was my favorite Degusta Box so far. It came just in time for Christmas, too, so it was like a fun, edible gift this month (as if it isn't every other month). 

My husband and kids have started getting pretty excited for our monthly delivery as well to the point where I actually have to hide the box until I can get photos of everything. #Bloglife

No, but in all seriousness, it really is our favorite subscription box, hands down, and it makes a practical gift for any occasion, holiday, or just because! 

The bag of Wise Popcorn was great! We always enjoy popcorn while watching movies and I don't mind giving my kids popcorn to snack on because it's generally helathier than chips or cookies as a snack. I was skeptical my kids would eat the white cheddar, but I was surprised when they ate the entire bag. Don't worry, it wasn't in a single sitting! But even if they did, it's still significantly healthier than eating a bowl of  greasy potato chips or a handful of sugary cookies. These are air popped, too, so that's a plus. 

I love to bake. I'm a baker at heart, really, and so I love getting things like this in boxes. My kids help me bake a lot and it becomes a great opportunity for us to spend time together doing something fun, and they learn something as well. I hadn't tried these Pillsbury Purely Simple mixes and frostings yet, and was excited to use them. I still have not tried the icing yet, and to be honest, I've made my own buttercream icing on many occasions and all you do with this is add milk and butter, so it's essentially just the powdered sugar and flavoring in the packet. Just like making homemade buttercream icing. But I did try the cake mix. Although, I thought outside the box a little bit and made cookies from the cake mix. I just mixed in three eggs, some oil, and M&M's, baked them,  and they were delicious, light, and fluffy. 

The best thing about these is that there are no preservatives, added coloring, and no artificial flavors. All pure and simple ingredients. It's as close to homemade as you can get from a box mix. Simple, quick, and delicious. 

This is cold and flu season, and so I'm thankful that we received another package of throat lozenges in this month's box because we always go through them quick. The last two boxes that had lozenges were both Honees, which I had tried for the first time. This box, we received Ricola, which is our old favorite and usually our go-to when we stock up. The Ricola Herbal Immunity lozenges aren't just for after you get sick, though. The Ginseng in them can keep you from getting sick the rest of the year as well! And as a busy mom and wife, I'm all about staying away from sickness this time of year. There's no time to get sick in my house. 

Mmmm, chocolate. I sometimes wonder if Degusta Box reads my mind when they send boxes. My two favorite things to pair with chocolate are orange and coconut! I'm being serious. The Loacker Noir Orange is dark chocolate covered waffers with a hint of orange flavor and they reminded me so much of Christmas time when I was a kid because my mom would always buy us dark chocolate oranges this time of year. On the flip side, the Coconut covered ones remind me of summer! These aren't overly sweet, which I like, because I'm not into really sweet snacks or desserts. Needless to say, these didn't last long in this house. 

My husband claimed these Kala Simply Peppered fava beans right away. While I'm not a fan of fava beans, I have to say that these were pretty good. They are nicely seasoned and have a slight crunch to them and reminded me more of a nut than a bean in texture. I'll probably still never like fava beans, but these were surprisingly good. 

I've never been a thin cookie lover. I like my cookies chunky and soft. These new Chips Ahoy Thins are absolutely delicious, though! They are thin and crisp like a cracker, but are packed with flavor. The cinnamon sugar have chunks of white chocolate in them for a little added chocolate taste They are made by a company known for their chocolate chip cookies, afterall. 

Ah yes, have I ever mentioned my obsession with crackers? They are my favorite snack because you can eat them alone, or with plenty of other things, sweet  and savory. These Good Thins Sweet Oat and Flax are amazing. They do have a slight sweetness to them with a thin crisp crunch to them. Initially I had intended on snacking on these with my smokey cheddar bacon cheeseball that I make during the holidays, but then I pulled the next item out of my Degusta Box.

Right, so I was a little hesitant about this. Smuckers Fruit and Honey come in a few different flavors (the lemon blueberry sounds delicious, by the way), but I was skeptical on the strawberry jalapeno. I'm a lover of spicy foods, especially jalapeño, but I've had jalapeño flavored chocolates before and sweet and spicy just never mixed for me. So when it dawned on me to try it with the Good Thins that I had received, I figured I would try any food at least once! The amazing thing is that I actually loved it! All the flavors just worked so well together, and I'm not quite sure how to explain the combination of strawberry and jalapeño, but it's sweet with a hint of heat. There's not so much jalapeño flavor, it's just that you can tell it's a slightly spicy strawberry. If that even makes any sense. Honestly, I think you should just try it and see for yourself. I really liked combining it with the crackers, I just haven't figured out how else I would like to eat it personally, so I may just stick to a cracker or toast topping for now. Maybe mixing it with cream cheese for on a bagel? 

This time of year I drink a lot of tea with honey, but I had no idea these even existed. These are little straws with flavored honey inside that you can either eat on their own or mix in with something. They are really portable so you can take them with you, which I really like. I'd like to say that I was able to try all the flavors I was sent, but my kids had a field day with them, just eating them straight out of the straws. They are easy to open ad my kids enjoyed them. The one I was able to get a taste of was the lemon, which is perfect, because when I'm sick, lemon and honey in my tea are aces. There's the flavor of the lemon, but you can still taste the honey. They mix rather well together and the honey is sweet enough on it's own that if you do put it in any beverages, you don't need sugar. Another reason it's a great thing to take with you!

And the last thing in the box was Beef Burgundy 3 minute meal from Urbane Grain. It has all natural ingredients and is a great, hearty lunch or dinner that fills you up and it tastes great. Urbane Grain 3 minute meals come in a pretty decent variety of flavors as well so you can stock up and have something different each day.

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*Disclosure: This product was received in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
