David Bowie Retrospective and Coloring Book

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David Bowie Retrospective and Coloring Book by Mel Elliot is the perfect gift for any Bowie fan. 

The book is actually pretty thin and rather small, but as part retrospect and part coloring book, it becomes a collectible. The book features David Bowie in many of his iconic outfits with facts about Bowie's life and works. 

Everything is colorable. Even the letters on the pages. Pages are reasonably thick and smooth, so you can color with marker, gel pen, crayon, or colored pencil. 

At the back of the book, the author provided a list of Bowie's various awards through out the years as well as his many iconic albums, loved by fans world over. 

There is a red ribbon "bookmark" bound into the book, which I thought to be a little unnecessary since the book is so small, at 64 pages.

*Disclosure: This product was received in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising 
