October 2016 DegustaBox {Unboxing}

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It's Degusta Time!

Words cannot express the joy that comes to me when I see this box on my doorstep every month. Honestly, who doesn't like food? Even more, who doesn't like to try products they have yet to try for a fraction of the price you can find them in stores? If only my neighbors knew this is why I do a little dance on my porch when this box shows up. 

DegustaBox always has favorites of mine as well as completely new (to me) brands that I have yet to try or have heard of. It's always so much fun opening that box and discovering what tasty goodies I get the opportunity to try out that month.

October's Degusta Box is, as usual, perfect. 

Energems Chocolate Energy are much needed in my house. I'm a mom who has a lot going on right now. I mean, don't we all! It seems that my children have found a way to siphon the energy right out of me and I drag through the day while they are energetic and bouncing off the walls. How in the world do I keep up?! Energems are actually pretty tasty! They remind me of a dark chocolate M&M, but with the benefit of, well, ENERGY! The bottle says "Serving Size 3", but for me, this varies through the day. One day I took 3 and experienced no side effects except that I was wide awake until 4am. My fault, really. I took them late in the day because I was practically asleep in my dinner dish water. Then when I took 2 on Sunday so I could get through family dinner day without a snooze, I had the bit of the jitters. Basically, the difference is that one day I had just had a meal, the other day I ate these on an empty stomach. So the takeaway here is that they work like magic, but don't eat them on an empty stomach. Oh, and they come in berry and mint flavors as well! 

To most people, Wasa Thin crackers might be a little bland, but to me, they were very tasty. I snack on crackers all the time and these ones were pretty good. There is just the right amount of sea salt on them and they would be excellent topped with a little flavored cream cheese and a cherry tomato. You get two individually wrapped packages in one box, and believe it or not, three of these and you are full enough to have fulfilled your snack craving. They also come in Rosemary and Sea Salt. They are marvelously thin and flavorful!

Lovely Candy Company SuperFruit Chews are basically vegan Starbursts. They are chewy and deliciously sweet without all the additives and are completely non GMO. The only thing I didn't like about these chews were that I didn't know what flavor I was opening until after I already ate it since the wrappers are all the same. That being said, I loved all three flavors so that wasn't a very big deal for me. The packaging is really cute as well. 

Ah, bagel chips! My love for bagel chips is right up there with my love for rye chips. If they are mixed into a party mix, it's the first thing I eat out of the bag. It makes sense that, since are the best party of party mix, that there would be some available in individual bags.  Chicago Style Bagel Chips came in this month's box, with two flavors: Garlic and Cinnamon. The garlic are suburb in salads and the cinnamon are great with a little chocolate chip dip or even dipped in peanut butter. 

We eat a lot of popcorn. It's our go-to snack when watching movies and we tend to watch a lot of movies. Palo Popcorn in white cheddar cheese was pretty good. Lightly popped with just enough flavor. We aren't really a bacon cheddar family, but I tried the bacon cheddar flavor anyway because, hey, what's the point in new foods if you never try them at least once! It was alright. Still not on of my favorite flavors in literally anything, but it was still edible. 

I also got to try out this mini sampler pack from Numi Organic Teas. I love tea. I love it more than coffee most days. It's the one thing I use to help me sleep at night as well as help me when I'm sick. Herbal teas are great for a variety of reasons. This cute little sampler pack has 8 different tea flavors and would actually make a great addition to a tea themed gift basket for the holidays or a wellness gift. Since you can find this sampler box for less than $4 on Amazon, it's a great way to try out Numi Organic Tea flavors at a reasonable price. 

Jone's Soda is known for it's slightly odd flavors of soda around the holidays. Anyone remember the turkey dinner one? Well, Pumpkin Pie is another one of those flavors. I love pumpkin. A lot, actually. I even recently fell in love with pumpkin pie flavored milk despite really hating milk. I just couldn't bring myself to drink all of this. I took a few sips and that was enough to know that it really isn't for me. It definitely tastes like pumpkin spice in soda form, but it's way too sweet for me. Oh and in case you are wondering, that delightful little cupcake there is my super easy pumpkin spice cupcake with cinnamon cream cheese icing. 

I also received a box of Barilla pasta and Barilla Marinara sauce in this month's box as well. I don't usually use Barilla sauces, but I do use the pasta quite often. This particular pasta is the protein plus penne, which tastes exactly the same as all other Barilla pastas with the benefit of added protein. I used the pasta to make my favorite pasta dish - Chicken Parmesan.

I completely forgot to take a picture of them, but there was also a little package of Crown Nut Company Sriracha Almonds. They were delicious and since I frequently eat almonds and spicy foods separately, they were a perfect combo of two things I love. I didn't find them too spicy, they were actually kind of mild, to me at least, but they were really good.

*Disclosure: This product was received in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
