BookCase.Club October Unboxing

Who doesn't love books? We have an entire library of books in our house. I adore being able to walk into my library and travel to other parts of the  country, through out different time periods, and meet characters all from the comfort of my own home. Books transport you into a whole new world every time you open one. So what's not to love, right? 

You know what's even better than books? Getting a box of brand new books delivered right to your door each month! Huzzah! Well BookCase.Club has the hook up. 

Each month you will get two new books sent to you in your chosen category. 

Teenage Dream - Young Adult novels
Trill Seeker - Mystery/Thriller novels
Strange Worlds - Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels
Read To Me - Children's Picture Books
Blind Date- Paranormal Romance novels
Booking For Love - Romance novels
Quarterly Cookbooks - Cookbooks (every three months)
Quarterly Military History - Military Books (every three months)

The cases range from $10-$100 depending on which monthly plan you choose and shipping for all of them is $5/month. 

I chose the Teenage Dream box because there's just something about YA books, even as an adult, that I really relate to. They are raw and very real sometimes. 

I have to say that October's box was right up my alley. I don't know why, I just really enjoy stories where the main characters are faced with their own death and have the ability to change their life and have a second chance. 

In Denton Little's Death Date, everyone has the ability to know when they are going to die. Denton finds out his death date is expected in two days and he is perplexed when a mysterious man shows up at his funeral with a cryptic message.

Life After Death is a book about a dead girl and her new (living) friend, who tried to help her complete her unfinished business. Business which comprises of returning all the items she stole when she was alive and making amends to the person she hurt pretty badly through her actions. 

BookCase.Club certainly delivered this month. 

Sign up for BookCase.Club and not only build your library, but meet your new friends (the books)!

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*Disclosure: This product was received in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
