Fun, Educational Books from DK Books {GIVEAWAY}

We are avid readers in this house, as most of you know, and because of that, not only do my children get books for Christmas every year (and through out the year), but I gift books to others on my list as well. I mean, not only are books fun, but they are educational as well, and you can pair them with other things to make a really awesome care package! 

For instance, pair a cookbook with some spices and kitchen accessories. You can pair an art project book with various art supplies. A book of constellations pairs well with a glow in the dark solar system set. Get creative enough and books can be something your entire family will look forward to getting every year. 

DK books have a nice variety of subjects for every age and interest. My family has a lot of DK books that my kids have gotten at the book fair every year and they are always our favorites. DK books has released it's holiday gift list for 2016 and among the top books are Marvel: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know... and Smithsonian Maker Lab.

Smithsonian Makers Lab speaks to the kid in me. When I was younger, science was one of my favorite subjects. I loved labs and learning about the mysterious ways things work. I still love discovering new things and my kids are really getting into it, too. It's a hardback book full of all kinds of fun projects that you and your kiddos can do together. 

For instance, your kids can learn about crystallization while also making a yummy treat when they cook up some rock candy lollipops. I remember making these with my great grandmother when I was younger and I don't know which was more fun, making the candy, or eating it! Since a lot of these projects require adult supervision for the younger kiddos, it is a great way to spend time as a family during the weekends or on holiday or summer breaks. They learn, you spend time together, and everyone has fun. 
NERD ALERT: When I first saw this page, I thought the flashlight in the corner was the TARDIS from Doctor Who. 
Another cool project is the rubber band solar system. I'm going to be 32 years old and I'm still obsessed with space. So I love this project! How fun would it be to teach your kids about each planet while they make their own solar system. While using a flashlight as the sun, they can see how days turn to nights and the seasons change based on the rotation of the planets on their own axes are well as around the sun itself. 

This book is not only great for families, but if you are a science teacher or homeschool teacher, you can find so many hands on learning ideas in this book. 

Since marrying my husband, I've become a much bigger nerd than I use to be. Through the years I have grown to love comics and have become a huge fan of Marvel comics and movies, with Captain America and being my favorite. Still, there are times when I'll ask my nerdtacular hubby to teach me the ways of the Marvel. I'm pretty inquisitive and since the Marvel universe is gigantic, I'm always questioning parts of movies or parts of comic books. Truth be told, Marvel: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know is my nerd bible. It's written in a way that children can completely understand it and won't get board with it, but as my husband was flipping through it, he remarked that it was perfect for me because it answered a lot of questions I had about characters and their story lines. 

Let's be real here, this is pretty impressive! It's a must have for any fan new and veteran alike.

They also have so many fascinating Star Wars books, cookbooks, travel books, books on history, and different hobbies. Needless to say, DK books take up a good portion of our home library.

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DK Books are available where ever books are sold.

Want to #win one of these awesome books to jump start your holiday gift list?
Enter below!
One winner will get their choice of Marvel: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know -OR- Smithsonian Makers Lab!


*Disclosure: This product was received in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising . 


  1. It sounds lazy but it's not, That Marvel book is my favorite. My daughter would FLIP if she received that! She's a mega-Marvel fangirl.

  2. I remember having an "ultimate" marvel book back in the day, but this new one looks WAY better!

  3. The Illustrated Kitchen Bible looks very interesting!

  4. I would like countless DK books. How about "Art: A Visual History"?

  5. My favorite is The Stars book.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com


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