Period Confidence With Panty Prop

Period panties are pretty popular right now and for good reason! For years women struggled with the confidence to wear what they wanted during their period for fear of leaks. Most period panties out there only come in adult sizes, but what companies don't understand is that pre-teens struggle with period confidence as well, especially if they are just coming into womanhood with their very first period. 

UPDATE: 2/16/2018:
Originally when this post had been published in 2016, the company was still fairly new and their product was great. I had a lot of comments on my demo video on Youtube from happy customers. However, recently it seems that as the company has expanded, the amount of happy customers has also dropped. I am reading a lot of customers are having problems with leaks even on the lighter flow days when you should still be able to wear these without a pad or tampon. I am also reading of terrible customer service. Since my loyalty is to my readers first and foremost, I felt this update was necessary. I want my readers to be informed 100% whether it's good or bad. 

Panty Prop knows how important it is for girls (and women) to be confident all the time, including that time of the month. That's why they make period panties in sizes from pre-teen clear up to adult and their panties come in many fun styles and colors. 

Panty Prop panties are comfortable and not at all bulky unlike others on the market. What makes Panty Prop panties special is that they have a little "lip"- if you will- in the crotch area of the panties that prevent your pad from moving around and decreasing the chance of leaks. 

Panty Prop panties are designed to be used with pads and tampons, but can also be used without and they will still provide protection for light leaks. They work with store bought pads as well as homemade reusable pads. Of course, you can still use them if you use tampons or menstrual cups, but the function of the liner around the sides is to prevent a pad from sliding around. 

Check out their "Just In Case Period Kit" that comes with 10 period essentials as well as a pair of Panty Prop panties! 

Panty Prop also believes that periods, which are a natural thing, should not be taxed! Which is why they offer a package of pads for a natural body function for only A PENNY plus the cost of shipping (which is around $4.00). No purchase necessary. Limit one per address. It's a good addition to a welcome to womanhood care package for any preteen girl as well as a great donation to a women's shelter!

Learn more by clicking here:


*Disclosure: This product was received in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .  


  1. Are these comfortable to wear without a pad or does the additional liner lead to discomfort?

    1. My daughter wears them all the time. She has sensory issues and finds that she prefers them over regular underwear some days.

  2. This company has the worst customer service ever! Do not buy them

  3. I bought 3 pantyprop knickers to reduce disposable pads going to the bin. Just got to try them last week. My period was just starting and light and I was at home so I wore one without any pads. One hour later the fluid had gone through and leaked on my trousers. There is no waterproof layer so nothing stopping the leak. I had to go straight back to the pads :(

    1. I'm sorry to hear that, Lidia!
      Originally when this was published, the company was still fairly new and their product was great, but it seems that within the last few years, they have not been as good and I am seeing an increase in complaints about the quality as well as the customer service.


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