Fight Tough Stains and Keep Colors Bright plus GIVEAWAY!

I have two kiddos, one of which is a three year old boy, and a husband who works as a railcar inspector and comes home with all kinds of mess on his clothes that completely ruins his clothing and anything you attempt to wash with them. That's why I need a detergent that is super tough on stains, but won't ruin or fade my colors. Purex plus Clorox 2 combines the gentleness and fresh scent that I  love about Purex detergents, and the tough stain fighting action of Clorox 2 and it'scompletely safe on whites as well as colors. It's bleach free and works on 100 different tough stains!

You can pre-treat stains with the detergent or go straight to washing with it. My son, in just a few short days, managed to cover himself and his clothes in orange popsicle juice as well as ketchup and mustard, and macaroni and cheese. When he was done marking all of his clothes for life, he spilled chocolate milk all over his bedding. I've seen these types of stains before and wash after wash, even with pre-treating, they just faded the stains. They were always still visible, and the clothes were ruined. Thrown into the "play clothes" pile, which is now far larger than the "good clothes" pile. 

I'm a mom and a wife who had just accepted that my son and husband's clothes were a lost cause. But as laundry day neared...

Okay let's be real here, isn't every day laundry day? It really feels like it....

I pulled the clothes out that had been sitting in the hamper for a few days, waiting to be laundered, the stains just sitting there teasing me. At this point I would be ready to just toss them and accept the loss, but I pulled out my my bottle of Purex plus Clorox 2 detergent, my magical solution to whatever my kiddo's clothes can throw at me. I didn't pre-treat. I wanted to see how powerful this stain fighting really was. I just used it in the wash the way I normally do. When the cycle was finished, I pulled out my son's clothes and inspected them for any signs that this detergent failed me. And I assumed it surely would. If you're a mom to a boy (or multiples!) you know what I mean. not only were the stains gone, but I swear it actually brightened the colors and the clothes were soft and fresh smelling. All things that never happen to boys clothes. 

I love that with Purex, I get more bang for my buck. It's important to me to have detergent that does the dirty work and attacks those tough stains, but doesn't ruin my colored clothes and my bank account!

Purex plus Clorox 2 is available now in two fresh scents:
Original Fresh 
Sunny Linen (my favorite!)

*Disclosure: This product was received in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .  


  1. Grass stain on white baseball pants is one of my toughest stains to get out of clothes.

  2. I have to wear white long sleeve dress shirts to my job in a restaurant. My cuffs on my sleeves I have a terrible time with even though I spray them with stain remover, bleach and wash.

  3. with 2 little kids, this would be great

  4. My toughest stains are from my kids they always have paint or coloring from school but Purex is the best and helps me all the way. Thank you so much for the awesome chance :)

  5. Ink is the toughest, but if you can get to it before it dries it is manageable.

  6. My husband works on lawn mowers everyday and his clothes are always greasy. Can't get the stains

  7. my toughest stains seem to be food stains...

  8. I fight stains with soaking and spray treatments.

  9. Stains on the pants of baseball seems to be the worst for us right now.


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