#NSNation Journey: Week 12. FINAL RESULTS!

#NSNation #Ad #Nutrisystem

This was my final week on Nutrisystem...well, blogging weekly about it anyways. More on that a bit later in this post. 

My initial thoughts on Nutrisystem was that it wasn't going to work. I really just thought I had already tried everything I could and that I wasn't going to lose any more weight than I already did. The last three months have taught me a lot of helpful things about eating healthier. I now know what portions should look like and I can't prepare a meal or order one from some place without looking at calorie, sodium, and sugar content. Tracking my calorie intake and calories burned as well as my water intake has made me accountable and aware of everything I am doing so it's no mystery where extra pounds may come from and actually prevents me from over eating and feeling bad about it later on when I hop on that scale. 

I grew to love being active once again, like I had right after I gave birth to my son. Eating healthier and daily workouts have become a habit and I can really tell when I lacked in one, the other, or both because I just don't feel as well. I've improved not only my physical health, but my mental health as well overall through the course of these last 12 weeks. 

I've come across a lot of skeptics saying they themselves, or someone they know were on this program or another one and that they gained the weight back after stopping the program. Lades and gentlemen, this is NOT a diet. This is a lifestyle change. You know that the difference is? A diet is something short term and temporary. A lifestyle change is long term and stays with you for life. You can't lose the weight you want and then go back to your old habits. You need to stick with it. You need to eat healthier foods, not eat such large portions, cut back on sugars, sodium,  and bad carbs, drink more water, and stay active. It's not a miracle diet that sheds the pounds and keeps it from coming back. It's a training process for your body and mind. 

While I'm officially done blogging my weekly progress with Nutrisystem, I have decided to stay on with Nutrisystem by taking advantage of their Ala Carte option where I can order only the meals and shakes that I want instead of ordering a complete plan. I actually did enjoy a lot of the food and there were some that weren't an option for me to try initially, so I'm ready to try those ones out. The pizzas were delicious as well as the different melts that I had for lunches. I really enjoyed the grilled beef patties, which I usually tossed the bun that it came with and just wrapped it in lettuce. Not only was that a healthier option, but it was delicious and surprisingly filling. I also really enjoyed the white bean chicken chili, Salisbury steak and mac and cheese, turkey medallions, sausage and peppers, and my all time favorite was the broccoli stuffed chicken.  The shakes are so good, that they were more like a treat than the dreaded (gross) protein shake that fitness buffs swear by. The vanilla was my favorite, but I would love to try the other flavors, which I bet are just as good 

To be honest, I didn't expect to lose any more weight, or at least see a change on the scale, especially now that I am aiming for building up muscle instead of aiming for fat loss. However, the more muscle you build, the quicker the fat burns and the tighter your skin will be. Muscle also tends to weigh more so that's why the scale isn't the most accurate and measurements should be taken. Well, want to see how I did? 

Check it out!

Start weight: 140 lbs
Week 12 weigh in: 126 lbs
Goal weight: 120-115

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-866-241-3135 or  

Disclosure: I am getting three months of Nutrisystem for free and have been asked to share my weight loss journey with my readers & on social networking platforms. All opinions will be that of my own and all results will be that of my own weight loss and inches lost. 
