gb Pockit Stroller

This post was sponsored by @GBChildUsa as part of a Blog Blast Activation for Influence Central

One thing new parents face, is the need for baby accessories that end up being big, bulky, and hard to travel with. That's why I'm so excited to tell you about the gb Pockit!
The gb Pockit, the world's smallest folding stroller, is now available at Babies 'R Us and This compact, lightweight stroller for children 6 months to 55 pounds switches from push to carry in two simple steps and becomes a record breaking small-sized package weighing in at only 9.5 pounds. It comes in 6 colors and is built to stand free, out of the way when folded while you are at restaurants or a cafe.  

We go to conventions all the time and the first convention we ever took our son to, the stroller took up a ton of room in the back of our vehicle, we had to carry it up and down steps, and it took two hands to fold and took up way too much room when we went out for lunch. All of these are problems parents face when on an outing with baby. Imagine how much easier it would be to have that lightweight, easy to fold stroller that doesn't take up your entire trunk or backseat! 

Want a chance to win great prizes from gb Pockit and MomCentral? RSVP to the gb Pockit Twitter party!

 Join the party on Thursday, April 28, 2016 @ 1 – 2 PM ET
Moderated by @MomCentral and sponsored by@GBChildUSA
Use #gbPockit during the party
 2 pre-party winners and 6 party winners will receive $50 Amex gift cards and 1 grand prize winner will receive the gb Pockit Stroller! How cool is that?!
Party attendees with discuss family adventures - weekend getaways vs. jet-set vacations as well as how the gbPockit stroller can make travel so much easier on the entire family. 

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