Have A Little White Christmas In Your Cup With #CrazyCupsCoffee

We have had abnormally warm weather this Christmas not just here in Pennsylvania but the entire United States. I have such a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit if there's no snow. There's just something about those big, fluffy white flakes coming down on a ground already blanketed with crisp white snow. The quiet of it all and the way the Christmas lights reflect off of the freshly fallen white. I need that atmosphere to get me in the mood to turn on some classic Christmas music, plug in those Christmas lights, throw on my frilly apron, and bake yummy Christmas goodies all day long. 

This year, with little to no snow, I've found it kind of hard to get into that spirit. Thankfully, Crazy Cups Coffee has a White Christmas flavor. A medium roast coffee, with a delectable flavor that is not only a delicious treat to your December mornings, but can be enjoyed through out the year. 

White Christmas is a mix of caramel, macadamia coconut, vanilla, and bourbon and it's everything you would expect Christmas to taste like. 

Treat yourself to a holly jolly morning with a cup of White Christmas flavored coffee from Crazy Cups Coffee Brand. 

Purchase a box (and check out all their other amazing flavors) at http://crazycups.com

Want to win a box of this delicious coffee? 


#flavornation #tastehappiness #crazycupscoffee 

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 


  1. I start getting in the Christmas spirit when I put up all the decorations!

  2. It really takes a lot to get me into the Christmas spirit, I'm not a big fan of holidays, but I do love getting together with friends and enjoying some good food and drinks. Thank you.

  3. Shopping for gifts and listening to Christmas music!

  4. i enjoy the music on the radio and getting out crafts and ornaments that my kids and my grandmother made me in the past

  5. Honestly what gets me in the spirit most is the smell. I'm an addict of candles and wax tarts and I looove swapping out my fall scents for winter and Christmas ones and blending new varieties. New current favorite is cherry and orange spice :)

  6. I love decorating in my neighbohood, we have little competitions to see who has more lights. It looks amazing

  7. Awesome giveaway!!
    The weather and decorating.


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