Thrive Life Foods

Recently, I discovered this brand of foods that, any other time, I would not have thought about trying. However, I did get a chance to try it out and trust me when I say, I think I'm hooked!

Thrive Life Foods are non GMO, non MSG, additive, chemical and pesticide free freeze dried foods. This means that there's nothing in your package of apples other than apples! Freeze dried and dehydrated foods are not only budget friendly, but make cooking and meal prep easier, quicker, and so much healthier. 

Okay, so let me ask you, how many times have you went to use something you purchased at the grocery store, only to realize it had expired? You are stuck having to throw out the expired food and run to the grocery store for more, wasting so much money. Thrive Life Foods are definitely pantry staples.  A sealed can of Thrive Life Foods will last up to 25 years in your pantry.

The other amazing thing about this product is if you are like me, and just don't seem to ever have enough room in your fridge or freezer, you'll be happy to know that they have fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy, too! I'm thinking I might need to build a bigger pantry! 

I tried out the fruits since my family absolutely loves fruit and we go through a ton of it. They are delicious straight out of the can or you can rehydrate them and use them in all kinds of recipes. My son and I made a smoothie with a few fruits and the yogurt bites the other day and it was delicious! I didn't need to rehydrate them since I was adding milk to the smoothie so this made things so much quicker. I didn't have to spend time cutting up fresh fruits and it was so much healthier than using canned fruit. 

I love that you can get a box of what they call "Snackies". I think I may have ate an entire bag of the pineapple in one sitting. Oops! In my defense, I love pineapple and they were delicious.

We live such busy lives now, and sometimes we just don't have the time to brown hamburg and chop veggies for dinner. Thrive Life to the rescue! Pop open cans of beef and some peppers and onions, throw them in a pan with some Thrive Life tomato sauce and you have quick, easy, and HEALTHY spaghetti meat sauce! 

 I could probably talk forever about all the options you have with this product. The best part about it is you are saving so much money! Who does't like to save money, am I right?

Check out 


for more information, recipes, and how you can place an order! 

Connect with Jodie (my Thrive Life personal rep) on the following sites:

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
