My Craft in a Box September **GIVEAWAY**!

I am so beyond excited to tell you guys about this new subscription box service called My Craft in a Box! It's not your standard subscription box, though. Each month, you can go onto the site and take a little peek at the theme for that month, you can then decide if you want that box or not. If not, just wait until there is a box you are interested in (but truthfully, these are so cute, you'll want them all). If you decide you want that month's box, sign up. You'll receive that month's box at the end of the month and fall in love with it (I promise)!

Each of the boxes have one DIY item in it. something you can make at home and all the materials are provided. You'll also find a special gift to you from the curator of the box, something she handmade that fits the theme of that box. You'll also receive a few other themed goodies as well. 

You can check out my unboxing of August's "Dreams" box HERE

Recently, it was revealed that the theme for September's box is The Bewitching Box, which is going to be a vintage Halloween theme. What's more, it ships out at the end of September, meaning you will get it before October and can possibly use the items in it for decorating!

How cool is that?!

Let me tell you guys, I review a lot of items and a lot of subscription boxes. I generally love almost all of the things I review (and if you've been with me for some time, you know I definitely tell you when I'm not fond of something). I loved this sub box so much, that I went ahead and purchased the next three months (September, October, November), which you can do by clicking HERE (check out past box themes and even purchase them at discount)!

I can't show you what's in the box yet, but here's a little sneaky peek at a few posts from the My Craft in a Box Instagram.

Guys, are you as stoked as I am?!

I am mad obsessed with Halloween and fall in general, and I especially love vintage stuff, so I'm not ashamed to admit that I screamed like a 12 year old girl at an Nsync concert when I saw the September theme, and guess what? Jennifer at My Craft in a Box has been awesome enough to allow me to host a giveaway for September's box! 

Want a chance? 


  1. Yes I like to dress up my favorite Freddy

  2. Yes. My favorite costume was when I was Glenda from the Wizard of Oz.

  3. I think this Halloween is going to be the best! I've been planning it since I got pregnant back in 2012! lol My oldest daughter has natural long blonde ringlets, so we are going to do Goldilocks and the 3 Bears! I got brown t-shirts (we live in TX and it is still wzrm in October here! lol) and sweatpants and these bear hat things for my husband and I, and a little bear costume for my 2 year old Baby Bear youngest daughter! =) I can't wait, I love Halloween!

  4. I do like dressing up for Halloween. My best Halloween costume so far was a bunch of grapes.

  5. I love dressing up with my niece and taking her Trick-or-Treating. My best costume was Grumpy Cat.

  6. I love dressing up! My best one was death on vacation

  7. My favorite costume is my Winnie The Pooh costume I bought from the Disney Store online years ago. It's a hooded costume that is well padded at the belly & even has Pooh paws. I get lots of attention & hugs from people that love Winnie The Pooh, every Halloween while tick or treating with my daughter! It really makes my Halloween enjoyable, plus it keeps me warm. :)

  8. I have never had spectacular costumes but I was once dressed as a ninja

  9. I love dressing up. My best costume was a priestess of Bastet

  10. I dressed up like a witch!-Charlene Underhill

  11. I love to dress favorite costume was a pirate.

  12. I do dress up and my fave costume was when I dressed up as Vampiress Of Versailles

  13. My favorite costume that I put together was a reindeer.


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