Mighty Mug: The Mug That Won't Tip Over + GIVEAWAY!!

Welcome to the 1st Annual Welcome Autumn Giveaway Hop hosted by Karen’s Got Mail and Housewife on a Mission. I have teamed up with a fantastic group of bloggers to share these giveaways with our readers. Be sure to hop around to the participating blogs and enter some fabulous giveaways! Also, make sure to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway which features a $50 Amazon Gift Card from Kinsights: online pediatric health record keeper and parenting community!

If you have kids, a cat, or are just accident prone, Mighty Mug is going to save your sanity!

Mighty Mug is a line of special mugs and cups that will not tip over. That's right, even if your cat does what it does best and tries to knock your beverage off the table, it's not going anywhere. You can punch it, hit it, throw something at it, and it will not budge. 

I ordered their Mighty Mug 20oz tumblr (Mighty Mug Ice), and through the entire ordering process I just kept thinking, "Oh my kids will be the true test". My kids manage to find ways to make non spillable cups, spill, every time, never fails. You see all those new cups on television for kids that aren't supposed to spill? Hahahaha! They do. They were no match for my kiddos. 

So here's what I love about Mighty Mug straight out of the box:

It can hold hot or cold beverages and it actually keeps them the temp they should be (hot things hot, cold things cold).

The tumbler comes with a removable straw.
It has a flip top that can be closed.
It fits in the cup holder of my car.
It's basically magic. 

Okay, so it's not magic, but I like to think it is. What makes this cup work?

It has a rubber seal on the bottom!
When you sit the cup down on any flat surface, it forms a seal with the surface, making it impossible to knock over. Want to hear the best part? All you have to do to drink from it, is just pick it straight up. It lifts off the surface very easily. Still not convinced? Watch my demo video below:

How cool is that?!

Mighty Mugs come in different styles and colors and they even started a Kickstarter campaign for Mighty Mug bar glasses! 

The folks at Mighty Mug were awesome enough to sponsor a giveaway for my readers. Want to your very own magical Mighty Mug?

Giveaway *CLOSED*! Winner will be contacted by a Mighty Mug rep via email!
Congratulations to the winner and thank you all for entering! 


Connect with Mighty Mug on the following sites:

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 

Karen’s Got Mail, Housewife on a Mission and the Welcome Autumn Giveaway Hop participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations.


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