2B Colours Cosmetics

I recently discovered 2B Colours Cosmetics and I have to say, up until now, I had been pretty loyal to E.L.F. and Cover Girl. Then this box came in the mail, and basically changed everything.

Look at all those goodies! 
2B Colours Cosmetics covers all of your cosmetics needs. From face and eyes right down to your nails. 

In the box I was sent to test out, they included these three nail polishes. The first set is a double pack which comes in this real deep red and a silvery/black glitter. The second one is Jeans Look nail polish in black. This particular nail polish is textured and has a bit of a shimmer to it. 

Admittedly, I don't usually do dark colored polishes.I'm pale and they just look terrible on me. This is pretty much the same with dark lip colors as well. So I really try to stay away from them. However, I did try them out a bit to see how long they dried and how well they held up. They dry pretty quickly and seem to hold up pretty well with a nice top coat. They come in so many other colors, including ones that are scented (AWESOME!), so If dark colors aren't for you either, you have other options. 

They have shadows and blushes and the two I tested were My Eye Shadow in copper and Cheek Pop Blush. I wear browns and golds often. I have hazel eyes and can make my eye color appear to change based on the shadow color and liners I put on. Browns seem to bring out the greens and ambers in my eyes. This copper is a matte color, with very little to no shimmer to it. I usually wear a peach colored blush (you know, because I'm so pale), but I have been known to use rosey colors for my cosplays. Both colors go on wonderfully and blend perfectly. 

2B Colours Hydrastick is basically a colored lip balm and the paper I received with this entire set says it comes in three colors, however, I found 7 different colors on Ulta.com. There's that dark color again. I don't know why I'm afraid of dark colors. I think maybe I'm just afraid I will look more like a hot mess than a hot model. Some ladies can pull off the pale skin/dark colors look. I really can't. But I was actually pretty excited to try this because my lips need moisture and lip balm and color in one would save me a step in the morning routine. 

In the box there were three different eyeliners as well as a correcting foundation and concealer. Now, the correcting foundation is just a sample. These usually come much larger. 

The eyeliners are wonderful!! The Cat Eyeliner is my favorite. The tip of the eyeliner is like a marker, but makes it so much easier to get your eyeliner on point. I mean no more wobbly lines, no more crazy wings, this is perfect! I don't think my eyeliner has been so straight and precise in years. So I'm definitely sold on this. The retractable waterproof black eyeliner is also awesome. the tip is tiny enough to get a pretty good line as well. The colored pencil is an eyeliner as well, but of course, you could totally use it as a shadow if you want. 

The correcting foundation and concealer go on smooth and blend so well. I'm really surprised that they manged to send those in colors that actually work for me. I love concealer sticks. I find that they are so much easier to use than pots or cream that you apply with a brush or sponge. 

The mascara they sent is in Mega Grey Blue and these come in 8 different colors. I have never used anything other than black mascara. I think I may have used gray once, but I'm afraid of colors. I know, I know, I need to start experimenting more with my cosmetics. At any rate, this mascara goes on smooth and I had no problem with clumping.

Now, as terrified as I was about these colors I know I had to show you guys some type of look with them. And I was really starting to wonder how I could pair such different colors together and not make myself look like a hot mess. 

Ready for this?


I am SO impressed actually! I used every item in the box in the same look and you know what? I actually LOVE the colors that I didn't think I would be able to rock. The Hydrastick really wasn't that bold and it was the perfect color. I managed to use all three eyeliners as well. I lined my lid with the Cat Eyeliner, lined my upper and lower waterline in the retractable black liner, and lined below my bottom lashes with the colored eyeliner. I then added the blue mascara to my lower lashes as well which really made my eyes look brighter. I still used my usual black mascara on the top lashes because the blue just didn't show up on my stumpy and thin top lashes. 

The copper eye shadow was blended from inner corner to outer, with inner corner being darker and blending out to just barely noticeable. I usually blend from outer to inner with the darker color on the outer part of the eye, but hey, I figured since I was experimenting with colors, why not try something new with that as well. I actually used a little bit of the copper shadow in my brows. It matched so well that I was able to fill in my brows with it! 

You know the best part about getting to try 2B Colours Cosmetics? I actually fell in love with the brand! I'm also not so scared of experimenting with bold colors. And what's more, they are AFFORDABLE! 

Discover more 2B Colours Cosmetics on 
Ulta.com and in an Ulta store near you!

**2B Colours Cosmetics are produced in Belgium and are Cruelty free.**

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 


  1. Ohhh la la. I am excited about trying this brand. Your photos are great and you look gorgeous as always!

    1. Thank you! :)
      This brand definitely surpassed my expectations.


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