Bella Eleganze 3D Fiber Lash Mascara

Do you suffer from stumpy, practically non existent eye lashes? I know I certainly do. My husband makes fun of me all the time over my obsession to obtain lengthy lashes. Him and both of our children were blessed with long, thick lashes and he really rubs it in. Mine use to be on okay length, but through the years they jut decided they had better things to do than grow.

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So I'm sure by now you've heard of this new trendy cosmetic called fiber lashes. I'm sure you've also seen the price of some of them and thought, "Is it really worth that price?!"

I'm a regular false lash wearer. I mostly wear them to conventions, but have been known to wear them to parties and on occasion, out for date night with the hubby. I really need to wear them on days I decide to do a smokey eye, because those are the times when it really looks like I have no lashes at all, even with about 40 coats of mascara on and a couple of rounds with the lash curler. 

I've also tried out lash growth serum, which, unless you are spending hundreds of dollars on the prescription brands like Latisse, you may as well forget about it. They don't work. You can't grow your lashes thicker. You just can't. Anyone who tells you that you can, is wrong. You can lengthen them, but there's no actual way to make them grow in thicker. Sorry to break the bad news to you.

So back to fiber lash...

It is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. 

Bella Eleganze 3d Fiber Lash Mascara comes in this handy hard carrying case along with a little bit of info and instructions.
You get a gel mascara and a fiber "mascara". There's quotations there because it's technically not a mascara. You apply a coat of the gel to your lases, and then follow that up with a coat of the fiber lashes. It is quite literally a mascara wand with little black "fuzzy" fibers and another coat of the gel to "seal" the fibers. The fibers make your lashes appear thicker, and if you keep altering between gel and fibers, you can add length to your lashes that look pretty real, provided you don't go entirely overboard. I've seen some photos of people who had lashes so long that they just looked ridiculous. I think the main point is to make your lashes look naturally longer. 

3D Fiber Lash Mascara
Here you can see the fibers on my finger and the "fuzzy" fiber brush.

3D Fiber Lash Mascara
A look at the gel mascara.
 You can use this in addition to your regular mascara for maximum lengthening results, but using just the gel mascara and fiber lashes works, too. Do not forget to apply the gel over the fibers, though, because you will definitely get fibers in your eyes, and you really do not want eye irritation all day. Not to mention, it's just bad to get things in your eyes in general. My first day, I ended up getting the fibers in my eyes just from application and my eyes were irritated and red all day long. I suggest being really careful when applying the fibers to prevent this. 

This is a pretty terrible picture to be honest. This is the face of 48 hours without any real sleep, y'all. 
#momlife #momofatoddler

At any rate, you can see in the top photos what my lashes look like with just one coat of regular mascara. Yes, I'm actually wearing mascara there. See, I told you my lashes were pretty non existent. The bottom two photos are the result of one coat of my regular mascara, followed by a coat of the gel, one pass of the fiber wand, and the second coat of the gel to seal everything. I then used my lash curler on them. This was my first attempt at this stuff. 

I've used this the last few days. Yesterday I just wore the mascara and no other makeup. As the days go by, I seem to be getting a lot better at applying it, and I've even achieved better length than is shown in the photos of my first attempt. 

I'll admit, I was pretty skeptical that I could get the kind of length that I keep seeing with these fiber lash kits, but after a few days, I've figured out how to really layer the coats to get my lashes longer. The key is to not worry about the entire lash, just focus on the very tips and when you apply the second coat of gel, do so very lightly as to not rub the fibers off your lashes. you want to seal them, not wipe them off. 

Connect with Bella Eleganze by checking out the links below!

 *Disclosure: This product was received in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising .
