Make Up By One Direction Limited Edition Tins Review and Giveaway

Make Up By One Direction Limited Edition Tins are created for - and inspired by- the fans! There are 5 limited edition tins available with a different member on each tin. The members themselves even had a hand in picking colors for these sets!

The only thing I didn't like about these is that each tin has the exact same colors in them, unlike the previous One Direction Make Up Tins that had a picture of the entire group on the front. No matter, I assume they did it this was so you can have the same colors as everyone else despite which member is your favorite. It still just seems a little redundant to me especially if you want to collect every member. 

The make up colors themselves are as follows:

Eye Shadows:
Nobody Compares- Metallic silver
Tell Me A Lie- Metallic nude pink 
Same Mistakes- Metallic mint
I Would- Smokey brown shimmer
Summer Love- Smokey purple haze
Everything About You- Smokey black shimmer
Eye Pencil:

I Want- True matte black

Lip Gloss:

Loved You First- Bubble gum pink

One Thing- Frosted pink ice

Irresistible- Shimmered pearl

Heart Attack- Creamy rose shine
Lip Gloss Top Coat:

Over Again- Silver glitter sparkle

Nail Varnish:

Stole My Heart- Magenta pink shimmer

Alive- Multi-colored glitter flakes
These sets are available NOW in the following stores:
Sears USA
Walmart Canada

Check out the facebook page at:

And as an added bonus to my readers, you can enter below to win a set of your very own!

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  1. These are great - our niece is constantly talking about One Direction - and I just read they had a very successful year financially. It's no wonder!


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